Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,14

a name for myself. I go into businesses that are failing and work there for a few weeks. Sometimes it takes less time, but I find out where they’re lacking in the way things are working. Mostly it’s human error that is causing the deficiency, but not always. They pay well, but I also get a percentage of what they make in viable profit the first year after I’ve been there, and they’ve done what I suggested. If it was out there who I was, I doubt very much I could blend in the way I do.”

“You wouldn’t blend into a tree if you were dressed all in bark.” They both looked at Allie when she spoke. “Why do I have a feeling I’m not in Kansas anymore?”

“You’re in Beckett’s home. This was the best place to bring you to recuperate after you decided not to tell anyone you were sick. How are you feeling, sis?” Allie sat up, then laid back down with her eyes closed. “You look a great deal better than you did four days ago.”

“Four days? No wonder I feel weird. Can I have a glass of water? I feel like I have cotton in my mouth.” Beckett got her a glass of the water that had been brought up here every couple of hours. He helped her drink from the glass he’d poured her, as she still looked slightly out of it. When she seemed to have enough, Beckett sat down again. “I know this is your house and all, but I’d like to talk to my brother for a minute. Without you.”

“Your meanness is showing again.” Allie stuck her tongue out at Beckett as he made his way to the door. “If you feel like something to eat in a little while, I’ll bring it up. Thatcher said soup to start with, then more if you keep that down. I’ll see you later, Allen.”

As soon as he was out the door, Allie sat up in the bed. She did look better today. Her hair was, of course, a mess, but she wasn’t as pale as death anymore. Getting up, Allen handed her a brush that had been in the bathroom, as well as a small mirror. Allie worked on the tangles while he told her about some of the things going on.

“The kitchen staff has been arrested. There was more going on there than just a few missing pans and food. Apparently, they were also taking the money at the end of the day and splitting it between them. I had a feeling from what Rogen told me that you wouldn’t have been a part of it even if you wanted. They were a group that shared the same secret as to how it was being done.”

“Why am I here instead of a hospital? I can remember bits and pieces of when I passed out, but not too much of it makes any sense.” He told her what he knew, skipping over the part where she’d been changed. “I didn’t tell you I was sick because I knew you had enough on your mind. I really didn’t know I was that sick. But it was almost as soon as he touched me, I felt like the world was coming down on my head, and he was the only one that could keep me from getting badly hurt. That’s weird, isn’t it?”

“Not if you think about the fact that he’s your mate. I mean, that’s what is supposed to happen, right?” She said she didn’t want him as a mate. “I have something to tell you, Allie. Well, two things. You’re not going to like either one of them. I had them change you into a tiger in order to save your life.”

“I’m sorry, what did you do?” He repeated what he’d said to her. “No, you did not take it upon yourself to have some overgrown cat change me into something that I can’t change back. Allen, why would you do that?”

“To save your life. He was all there was between you and death. I told him to do it. No matter what he tells you, it was all on me.” She asked him if Beckett had argued much at the idea. “Yes. Quite a bit, as a matter of fact. It wasn’t until you coded that he decided I was correct. And I need you in my life as much as you need me, Allie. The thought of going on without you was Copyright 2016 - 2024