Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,15

too much to care about how mad you’d be when you woke up.”

She looked out the window that showed the pool off to its best advantage. Not only was there a pool in Beckett’s back yard, but there was a hot tub, as well as a screened-in area that Allen had been spending a lot of time in.

“You said there were two things.” He asked her what she meant. “You told me you have two things to tell me. I’m assuming you didn’t mean the arrests as one of them.”

“No. That’s not the other thing. You weren’t human. Even before he changed you into a tiger, you were never human before that. Not wholly anyway. Thatcher helped with your change, and he told me later that you’d not been born as a vampire, but he thinks that since the guy who took you was one, he might well have bitten you a few times when you were out. Holland wasn’t a pure vampire either, or you would have been able to heal on your own from what you got from him.” She looked at him then. There was shock there, but he had a feeling she was thinking too. “You did tell me that Holland disappeared after you cut him. He didn’t escape like we thought, but simply ceased to be.”

“The police still believe I made all that up. That I’d never been taken and that there was no one in that place with me. They’ll not believe me anymore now that we know what he was, will they?” Allen didn’t have an answer for her, so he said nothing. “What happens to me now, Allen? I mean, surely Beckett isn’t going to want a half breed around now that he knows. A vampire is something that very few people even believe in.”

“He does. His family does as well. Rogen, she’s Thatcher’s wife, has a way of getting in and out of all kinds of programs and locked files. She said she was going to fix it so it would be like it never occurred. According to your records anyway.” She asked him what good that would do. “It wouldn’t come up when someone did a background check, for one thing. Also, someone’s put money in our accounts. Several checks were going to bounce. I asked and was told that there wasn’t any reason for that to happen. Not while you were laid low.”

“I don’t know how I feel about that either.” Allen told her to just be calm about it. That they were trying their best to make things less stressful for the two of them. “What about you? I mean, someone had to notice that you’re limping around too.”

“They have. I’ve been given some information about my injury that makes me believe it was more than just an accident. That the reason the service hasn’t acknowledged what happened to me is because they’re working hard on sweeping it under the rug, so no one finds out. I was shot by friendly fire, Allie. I didn’t know that before.” Allie asked him what happened now. “I get to get my leg fixed. They’ll also be responsible for me getting my checks that had been held back. I had no idea that I should have still been getting a check when I was discharged. Did you?”

“No. But if you remember, I did mention that.” He said that he told Rogen that too. “And I bet she ignored it like your commanding officer did.”

“Actually, she told me that if I would listen to you more rather than thinking of you like my little sister, I might well have been further along in my recovery. They’re all excited to meet you. Beckett said I could tell you some things about his family if you want to know.” Allie asked if they were all huge like the two that she’d met. “Yes. There are six of them. Boys, their parents call them, of the Robinson family. Three of them are married now, not including you and Beckett. They’re really nice people. I’ve gotten to have a meal with them every night since we’ve been brought here.”

“You make it sound like it’s a done deal between Beckett and I. It’s not, Allen. Even you can see that our lives aren’t quite like those of the people who live here. We’re poor.” He nodded and smiled at her. “You know how much I hate when you look at me like that. What is it you Copyright 2016 - 2024