Beckett (Robinson Destruction #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,13

was taller than he’d thought she was. Putting his hand on her other wound, he told her she was a little feverish as well. He could see it in her eyes now that he was looking at her. When she swayed a little, he picked her up and held her in his arms. When she didn’t argue, he knew she had been fighting this all evening, which he’d bet was making her weaker every minute.

By the time Thatcher and Rogen showed up, he’d taken Allie to the shower to try and cool her down. She was talking, babbling now about how she’d lost her job to little people. There was one point where she said that there were monsters, great giant ones, chasing her through the school. While he had no idea what she might have thought was chasing her, he did have to hold her tighter when she began fighting them off.

Beckett had a bloodied nose and a sore jaw when he was finally able to get her cooled off enough that Thatcher was satisfied. He gave her something for the pain, then set her up with an IV. Her temp spiked again, and Thatcher said she’d have to go to the clinic now. As Beckett carried her toward his truck, she looked up at him.

“Just let me die. I’m such a fuck up.” He told her not to him she wasn’t. “But you don’t know what you’re getting in me, Beck. What if I’m not any good in bed?”

“You will be perfect.” She talked some more, and he had to hold her tightly as they made their way to the clinic. When they pulled into the parking lot, she was burning up again, her body shaking so hard that he was having a difficult time holding her still.

“Change her.” They all looked at Allen when he spoke. He’d only just gotten the straps on her arms and legs so she’d not hurt herself or anyone else. “She’s been ill for a week or more. She’s been telling me she’s getting better. Change her before she dies. Please. She’s all I have in the world. Change her so she’ll be all right.”

Beckett looked at Thatcher, and he agreed. This was something he wasn’t sure was a good idea. Thatcher told him that her organs would shut down before too much longer, and then she’d be too weak to make it either way. Letting his tiger take him, Beckett knew this was going to cause him all kinds of trouble. But she’d be alive, and that was all that mattered right now.

Jumping up on the bed she was strapped to, he was glad that Thatcher had shifted as well. Between the two of them, she’d change so much faster. The only thing that worried him at the moment, however, was what she was going to do to him when she found out. Again, he told himself, she’d be alive, and that was all that mattered. He hoped that he was right. Christ, she was going to be pissed off.

Chapter 3

Allen watched his sister rest. He’d been given a room next to hers, and that was making it easier for him to go and see her. Allie had been out for four days now, and he was beginning to worry about her. They all told him that she had been really sick to begin with, and that’s what was making her sleep so long. He wanted her to wake up so that she could curse him out. He had no doubt that it would be high on her list of things to do.

The knock at the door warned him that he was going to have company. It was Beckett.

“Any changes?” He told him that she glared at him a little bit ago but hadn’t spoken. “Yeah, I’m thinking we’ll be lucky if that’s all she does to us.” They both laughed.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about this place we’re staying in. I’m assuming it’s your home.” He said that it was when he was home. “Your dad told me that you’re very hush hush about what you do for a living. I’m assuming it’s legal.”

“It is. Why would you assume otherwise? Just curious. I mean, you have met my mom. Does she strike you as someone that would allow her child to be a criminal?” Allen laughed with the other man. “It’s not so much that I’m hush hush about it, but I’m just working hard at not making Copyright 2016 - 2024