Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,17

placed a supportive hand to her back and collected two more cups from the cupboard.

“Let me get that tray for ya,” Paxton said, then carried the tea service to the table. “I’ll call the girls.”

“No. Let them play so we can have some quiet,” Isabella said, stopping and staring at Rebecca’s dress. “Goodness! You’re soaked.”

“I had a little accident down at the stream,” Rebecca explained. “The walk here took care of the dripping. I’m almost dry.”

“But you could catch a chill,” Isabella sounded concerned. “Tea can wait a few more minutes. You must come with me and change into something dry. Mr. Hollingsworth, I’m surprised you didn’t see to it the moment you arrived. And Mr. Paxton, is this anyway to treat our guest?”

Jared grinned as he watched Isabella usher Rebecca away from the kitchen.

“We’re in the dog house now,” Paxton grunted.

Jared nodded, and realized he still held Rebecca’s shoes and stockings with his own. He laid them in the seat of a nearby rocking chair, then donned his socks and shoes.


“You have very pretty hair, Miss Davis,” Isabella said, opening up a chifforobe.

“Thank you.” Rebecca patted at the back of her hair, wondering what it must look like in its damp state. She moved closer to a mirror hanging on the wall of the bedroom to take a look. A few hairpins had come loose, and she easily rectified that. Using her fingers, she reshaped the few ringlets around her face hoping Aunt Josephine did not notice her mussed state when she returned to the hotel.

“I’m afraid all I have that will fit you is a simple cotton day dress. Will you mind wearing that until your clothes dry?”

“Not at all. I appreciate your kindness,” Rebecca assured her taking the dress. “When are you due?”

“In about a month or so. The mid-wife says this one could come sooner than later since it’s my fourth.”

“Mr. Hollingsworth said you are hoping for a son.” She stepped behind a small dressing screen and began removing her wet garments.

“Aye. Paxton wants a son. But I’ve learned you take what you’re given. It doesn’t matter what we may want in life. We just make do with what we have,” Isabella said. “I know nothing about boys. And after having three girls I suppose the change would be good. But I won’t be sad if we have another daughter. The main concern I have is that the baby comes into the world healthy and whole.”

“I’ll pray you have a safe delivery,” Rebecca assured.

“Thank you,” Isabella replied. “It’s nice to see Mr. Hollingsworth keeping company again. He’s been alone since Charisse died.”

Rebecca stepped from behind the screen, tying the belt in the back. She draped her wet dress over the screen for it to dry. “Losing a loved one is tragic.”

“Yes it is. And I know he has to feel alone living in that big house without family around. Mary tries her best to make it comfortable for him, but I know it isn’t the same as having loved ones with you.”

“It sounds as if Jared has a champion,” Rebecca remarked as they headed back to the kitchen.”

“That he does.”

Chapter Five

“You’re very quiet this morning,” Josephine said over coffee. “How was your outing?”

Rebecca studied her aunt. Something was different, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. She’d expected the inquisition this morning over her soiled dress. Yet, Josephine hadn’t said a word.

“It was pleasant and most enjoyable. I wish you could have come along.”

“I’d have only been in the way.” Josephine spread a generous amount of butter over her biscuit.

If you only knew.

“Perhaps if I’m invited to visit Oak Hill again you’ll come with me?” she said.

“Perhaps.” Her aunt picked up her coffee cup and sipped.

“You sound as if you are feeling better. No headache this morning?”

“No headache.” She stared off into the distance and remained silent for a few minutes before she sat her cup down and announced. “I think I’ll do some shopping this morning. Do you have plans?”

Rebecca nodded. “I have a few errands to run for Elizabeth, but I should be finished before noon. Shall we plan on lunch?”

“Elizabeth? The girl is on her wedding tour. What could she possibly need your help with?” Josephine asked.

“She’s having her first tea as a married woman when she returns next month,” Rebecca said. “I’m seeing to the invitations.”

“Doesn’t she have a mother or sisters who could do this for her?”

Rebecca hid her smile. This was the Aunt Josephine she knew so well. “She’s married now. Copyright 2016 - 2024