Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,16

at her prattle until her last statement sank in. “Hidden here? Why on earth would I do that?”

She shrugged. “I suppose that would be risking your livelihood to bring her here. I pray she is safe awaiting my introduction.”

Their conversation became more peculiar by the moment as if he should know more about Ruth than he did.

“I’m afraid—” A burst of laughter interrupted him as his foreman’s daughters came running from the tall grass and into the water.

“Can we join you, Mr. Jared?” the oldest of the three girls asked.

“Plee-eaze,” the two younger ones chimed, kicking up water around them.

He smiled. “Just don’t get Miss Davis wet,” he warned, but it was too late. In an attempt to side step the girls’ frolic, Rebecca stumbled over the rock she’d previously stood on and fell back, sending up a splash of water.

The girls began to squeal with laughter.

“Rebecca!” Jared sloshed through the water as quickly as possible to help her to her feet. “Are you all right?”

“I’m—I’m fine. I’m fine.” She laughed accepting his help up. “Just wounded pride and some damp clothing. I’m sure I’ll survive.”

“Harmony. Eliza. Sue Ellen.” George Paxton’s booming voice sent the girls scrambling out of the water.

“Ah I should have known.” Paxton scowled, planting his fisted hands at his hips. “How many times have I told you to stay out of the water? Especially, when neither ya ma nor me is around?”

“They weren’t exactly alone, Paxton,” Jared said, drawing attention away from the girls to himself and his wet companion.

“Ah, Mr. Hollingsworth, I didn’t see you, sir,” Paxton’s features relaxed slightly. “I hope my girls haven’t been a bother to ya or caused any harm.”

“Don’t be too hard on them. They were having a little fun is all,” he replied, helping Rebecca out of the water. “Miss Davis, this is George Paxton my foreman. Paxton, this is Miss Rebecca Davis, a friend.”

“It’s a pleasure, ma’am,” Paxton said.

“Nice to meet you, sir,” Rebecca said. “You have three precious daughters.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Their ma and me are right proud of them.” He shifted his weight awkwardly. “Why don’t you both come back to the house and have some tea? Isabella was putting on a pot when the girls left. It will give Miss Davis a chance to dry off.”

Jared looked at Rebecca and she nodded her consent.

“Thank you, Mr. Paxton for the offer. I’m afraid I’m quite clumsy at times,” Rebecca said.

“So my girls didn’t cause your fall?” Paxton asked.

“No, sir,” she assured him.

Jared gathered their shoes and her parasol then offered her his arm as they walked barefoot through the field toward Paxton’s house. He hadn’t paid a visit to them in a while. In fact, he rarely saw his foreman’s family except on holidays or special occasions these days. He could already see Miss Davis had a life altering effect on him in the short time he’d known her.

A brown spotted mongrel greeted them as they approached the small yard with a stone path and a rose trellis at the entrance by the door.

“I didn’t know you had a dog,” Jared said as the girls ran ahead to play with the pup.

“Simpson found him a few weeks back wandering the road and brought him to the girls. I reckon’ someone had tried to drown a litter and he got away. Mind you, I didn’t take a fancy to him at first, but he grows on ya,” Paxton said, grinning.

“A pet is good. I had a little chick when I was young,” Rebecca said.

“A chick? Now that would be an odd pet. Did ya get your hand pecked?”

She nodded. “All the time. That’s why I didn’t cry when it was big enough for my father to kill for Sunday dinner.”

Paxton guffawed. When he sobered, he beckoned, “Come on in and meet Isabella.”

Jared allowed Rebecca to go ahead of him into the house. Down the hallway, he spotted Isabella by the stove in the kitchen, pouring steaming water into a china pot.

“I’m back,” Paxton called.

“Did ya find them?” she asked, not looking up.

“Aye. Down at the stream,” he replied. “I brought some guests for tea.”

Isabella glanced their way and smiled.

“It’s good to see you again, Mrs. Paxton,” Jared called in greeting, noticing her normally trim figure swollen with child. “This is my friend Miss Rebecca Davis.” He realized he’d referred to her twice as his friend. Perhaps that was the best way to describe their current relationship.

“It’s a pleasure, Mrs. Paxton,” Rebecca said.

“Call me Isabella. Everyone does.” She Copyright 2016 - 2024