Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,18

She wants to do this on her own. It’s important to her.”

“It sounds to me as if she’s foisting the job on you.”

“Think what you wish. I’m happy to do it since I couldn’t help her before the wedding,” she said. “What about lunch?”

Josephine shook her head. “There’s a midday Mass at the church. I thought I’d drop in on the ladies auxiliary afterward to see if I could be of service while we are here.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” If her aunt found something to occupy her time, then she’d have more time to see to her own business without making excuses.

“Well, it’s either find something to do or stay in this suite, as you put it yesterday,” Josephine said. “I found I didn’t like being here alone while you were away, even if I wasn’t feeling well.”

She pushed her chair back from the table and stood, her blond hair tumbled from the loose chignon that had replaced her usual bun. She absently patted it and said, “I’d better go change and redo my hair.”

“I’ll see you this afternoon.” Rebecca carried her coffee over to the small secretary.

Sitting down, she took out her stationary and wrote a letter to Isabella, thanking her for her hospitality. Then she struggled with one to Mr. Hollingsworth in regards to their mission. Their conversation about Ruth yesterday had ended abruptly and she needed to know where they stood. She felt antsy about completing her assignment. The longer it took, the more she feared for Ruth’s safety. Yet she also feared for Lucas and what might happen to him if she were caught transporting Ruth to Memphis.

Her hand trembled and she considered her words carefully.

Dear Mr. Hollingsworth,

It is with utmost haste that I write regarding our association. I must speak with you again on the matter at the first opportune time. We must settle it quickly.

Miss Davis

Putting thoughts of danger out of her mind, she folded the letter and sealed the envelope before going to check on Lucas. Charlotte was almost finished bathing him and he splashed the water with his hands.

“Now Luc,” Charlotte scolded, causing the child to laugh.

“He’s feisty this morning,” Rebecca observed.

“A little too much to complete his bath.”

“Here, let me help you.” Rebecca picked up a towel, scooped Lucas up and carried him over to the bed. “I’ll dress him. It’ll give me a little time with him before I go out for the morning.”

“Yes, miss.” The maid took the tub of water out of the room.

The child cackled as Rebecca played peek-a-boo with him and dried him. She sprinkled a sweet smelling powder on his body and rubbed it on him so he wouldn’t chafe from the heat. Jackson was definitely much warmer in June than Memphis.

“Oh Lucas, what would I do without you?” she asked and kissed the top of his head, his chubby cheeks and the tip of his nose.

In response he blew spit bubbles at her as she dressed him for the day. Overcome with thoughts of a failed mission to get Ruth to safety, she cradled him against her body, enjoying the warmth.

“M—m—m,” he cooed, stuffing his fist into his toothless mouth.

She smiled, laying him back down and continued to play with him until Charlotte returned with his bottle.

Rebecca scooped him up and handed him to the maid.

“I should be back by lunch,” she called, disappearing behind the dressing screen to quickly change into a fresh day dress before she left.

The first stop on her to do list was the post office, then the engravers to place Elizabeth’s order for invitations. While there she also ordered new calling cards for her friend. Coming out of the store she was startled to see her aunt leaving the dress shop across the street in a dress and hat she had never seen before. Rebecca watched as the woman headed toward St. Anna’s.

First, she’d had a new hairstyle and now a new ensemble. What had gotten into Josephine?

Rebecca headed toward the dress shop determined to see what the latest styles offered in Jackson. Her aunt did not make hasty purchases unless they were haute couture. It was her one vanity.


Beneath her gloves, Josephine’s palms were damp as she entered the church. She spotted the confessional and it beckoned to her to repent, because she was there on a carnal mission rather than to reverently worship God. She felt sinful in her actions, but she couldn’t stop herself.

In a chance conversation with the hotel clerk she’d learned that Copyright 2016 - 2024