Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,10

attended West Point and the four years of military service in Texas after graduation. Nowhere else comes closer to my heart than being home at Oak Hill.”

“I think having a home of your own is very important in life. That’s why I want to see Ruth reach her family again.”


Jared was about to ask what she meant when their meal arrived. The waiter sat the hot plates before them then refilled their wine glasses.

“Can I get you anything else?” he asked.

“No, thank you,” Jared said and the waiter disappeared as quietly as he’d appeared.

“How’s your pot roast?” he asked after he’d taken several bites of his own meal.

“Delicious. The roast is very tender.”

He watched as she carefully placed a small combination of carrot, potato and pea on her fork with the pot roast before taking a bite. She closed her eyes, chewed slowly and savored the experience. Her movements made eating appear an art form and her facial expression as she chewed made him long to taste the flavorful palate as well.

He watched as she repeated the action with each bite until she put her fork down and reached for her napkin. She touched the corners of her mouth with it then replaced it in her lap. “Is something wrong, Mr. Hollingsworth? You’ve hardly touched your food.”

Jared blinked, embarrassed at being caught staring. “No—no. I’ve never seen anyone find so much enjoyment out of eating before.”

She flushed and looked down at her plate. She loaded her fork with a precise portion to create the perfect bite then looked up at him. “It’s a terrible habit I have I know. It bothers my aunt immensely.”

He smiled and they continued their meal in pleasant conversation. When the waiter offered dessert Miss Davis declined.

“I need to get back to Lucas,” she explained. “Thank you for inviting me. I’ve enjoyed our afternoon together.”

Jared nodded, wishing there was a way to detain her from leaving. “Be sure to contact me at Oak Hill if you need anything while you’re in Jackson. I will be honored to assist you in any way I can.”

The waiter returned with their bill, and Jared paid him.

They stood and she leaned forward. “Then we shall meet again about Ruth?” she whispered.


“About getting her home?” She smiled and looked hopeful.

He found her comment odd. “Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall I call on you and Lucas after church services? We can have a picnic.”

“That sounds wonderful, but would you mind if I invited my aunt? I hate to leave her at the hotel alone again.”

“The more the merrier,” Jared said, as they walked to the stairs. He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. “Until then.”

Rebecca bit her lower lip as she watched him walk away. Tingles lingered across her hand from his kiss. Warmth pooled in her stomach and she smiled. She couldn’t remember when she’d spent a more delightful day.

Chapter Three

“Rebecca! I can’t believe you’d agree to a picnic without even consulting me,” Josephine complained the next morning, as they dressed for Mass.

“If you don’t want to go, I’ll make your excuses for you, but I’m going,” she said firmly. “Mr. Hollingsworth is being very hospitable by inviting us to a picnic and tour of his plantation. The least you can do is join us.”

Josephine muttered something under her breath as she put on her dove-gray bonnet. She looked older than her thirty-six years in the outfit.

“What did you say?” Rebecca picked up Lucas unable to hide the grin that crept to her mouth. She knew her aunt well enough to know the woman stewed behind her cool demeanor.

“I’ll go, but if my headache returns then I will insist we leave.” She headed toward the door. “Come along, Charlotte. Don’t dawdle.”

“Yes, Miss Josephine.” The maid hurriedly followed her out the door.

During Mass, Rebecca went through the motions of the service, but her mind was on Mr. Hollingsworth. She couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss he’d placed on her hand last evening, or the way it had warmed her flesh. Having never been kissed, she found her reaction to the simple gesture frightening. Yet exciting. If she wasn’t careful, she might lose her head and do something foolish. They were working together. She had to try to remember and not fantasize like a schoolgirl. Neither of them could afford for the mission to go awry. It would put everyone in jeopardy.

“Rebecca?” Josephine called to her from the end of the pew. “Aren’t you coming, dear?”

Startled, she Copyright 2016 - 2024