Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,9

his head and her dress. “He’s been drooling this evening. I believe he’s starting to teethe.”

Nodding, she rocked him as he snubbed. “I’ve thought the same for the last day or two. Will you prepare him a warm bottle? I’ll get him to sleep before I go to dinner.”

“Dinner?” Frowning, Josephine came up off the couch. “You’re going to dinner? With whom? You don’t know anyone in town besides that Calhoun girl.”

Rebecca sighed, rubbing Lucas’ back. “I’m having dinner downstairs with Mr. Hollingsworth. He’s a friend of Elizabeth’s husband. He saw me back to town after the wedding.”

“I don’t like it.” Josephine paced in front of the settee. “If I didn’t have this horrible headache, I’d dress and go down with you. But I really don’t feel well.”

She silently counted to five before responding to her aunt. She didn’t want a fight on her hands, but good heaven’s Josephine could be a prude at times.

“Then go lie down and rest. Lucas will sleep until I return and Charlotte can bring you something from the dining room,” she assured her. “There’s nothing to worry about.”


Jared requested a private table and ordered a bottle of wine to be chilled as he waited for Miss Davis to return. He’d expected her to be gone no more than ten minutes. He hadn’t anticipated it would take her half-an-hour.

“Would you like to order, sir?” the waiter asked.

“Not yet. I’m waiting…” he said, finally spotting her enter the dining room. The gas-light cast a lovely glow on her auburn hair, reminding him of the first time he’d seen her at the post office.

He waved and her face lit up with a smile. She spoke to the Maitre d’ and followed him across the room to the table.

Jared stood and pulled out the chair for her to sit.

“I’m sorry to have taken so long. Lucas was fussy. I stayed to feed him before putting him down for the evening.”

“Is he all right?”

“He’s teething.”

“Not a pleasant experience for him then.” He remembered the pain he’d experienced the last time he’d had a toothache. “Would you like some wine?”

In the dim light, he could see her facial features brighten and he thought she looked exceptionally lovely. In fact, he found he enjoyed looking at her far too much.

“I’d love a glass. Thank you.”

He motioned for a waiter. As the man approached, Jared noticed the Maitre d’ attempting to seat a couple. However, they refused the table next to them. Miss Davis glanced at him with a questioning look.

“How odd.”

“Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked, uncorking the bottle and pouring them each a glass.

Jared cleared his throat and glanced over the menu once more. “What would you like, Miss Davis?”

“The pot roast with carrots, potatoes and peas.”

“And for you sir?” the waiter asked.

“I’ll have the steak with boiled potatoes and green beans.”

“Excellent choices.” The waiter took their menus and left.

“Did you want him? Lucas, I mean? Since your marriage wasn’t a love match.” The question shocked him as soon as he asked it. “Please forgive my rudeness. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“None taken,” she replied, smiling. “I loved him from the moment I first saw him. I’ll never forget how soft he felt when the doctor laid him in my arms.”

A smile tugged at his mouth for a moment as she described that experience, feeling the joy of the new life through her enthusiasm. However, the joy soon faded to pain as he recalled how he’d longed to hold his son, but the child had been breech, the doctor inexperienced, and Charisse too weak from a difficult delivery for either of them to live.

He clutched at the cloth napkin lying on the table in front of him a little too tightly. Miss Davis’ green eyes widened with acknowledgement. Embarrassed, he cleared his throat and placed the napkin in his lap.

“Have you always lived in Jackson?” she asked, adroitly changing the subject.

Jared silently expelled a sigh of relief. “Yes. Oak Hill has been in my family for many generations. It started out as ten acres and over the years each generation acquired more land until it now stands at over two thousand acres. I love the land. The history it holds.”

“It sounds lovely,” she said. “I’d enjoy seeing your plantation before I return to Memphis.”

“I’d be honored to show it to you.”

She smiled. “Wonderful. Do you ever imagine living anywhere else?”

He shook his head. “The only time I’ve not lived at Oak Hill is the four years I Copyright 2016 - 2024