Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,11

stood, following the parishioners outside.

“Are you all right?” Josephine asked. “You’re cheeks are flushed.”

“I’m fine,” she assured her. “It’s a very warm day. Let’s go change into something cooler for our outing.”

“It’s not proper to appear so eager to see a man,” her aunt scolded, “especially one you just met.”

“I wa—,” Rebecca began, but realized she was eager to see him. Mr. Hollingsworth had made an impression on her. Taking a deep breath, she silently chastised herself then conceded, “You’re right. I need to hold my enthusiasm so he doesn’t get the wrong idea.”

“Enthusiasm is good, but not too much. I can’t endure another Mariah incident.” Josephine pressed fingertips to her temples as if another headache brewed.

Rebecca bit her tongue and ignored the comment, not wanting to spoil the day. She wished her aunt would forgive Mariah. It would make their lives together so much easier.


Jared hesitated before climbing down from the carriage as it stopped in front of the Bakersfield Hotel. His housekeeper had outdone herself preparing the picnic lunch, and he wondered if his invitation to Miss Davis wasn’t a rash decision. If Mitchell hadn’t suggested he consider remarrying, would he even be contemplating spending time with her?

Yes. He believed he would. His interest in her had nothing to do with Mitchell suggesting he remarry. He wouldn’t mind if their acquaintance turned into more.

“Mr. Hollingsworth!” Miss Davis called, startling him out of his reverie as she came out of the hotel.

Despite her pretty smile, he recognized a note of concern etched on her face. “Miss Davis, is something wrong?”

“Aunt Josephine has come down with a dreadful headache. I was just going to get her a tisane when I saw you arrive. I’m afraid she won’t be joining us after all.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Should we have our picnic inside so she can at least eat with us and then proceed on to Oak Hill for a tour?” he asked, motioning to the basket on the carriage seat.

“What a splendid idea. That would be lovely.”

He turned to his driver. “Change of plans, Higgins. I’ll be staying in town for a while. You can go around to the carriage house.” He lifted the basket from the carriage seat. “I’ll send for you when we’re ready to leave.”

“Yes sir,” Higgins replied.

Once inside the hotel, Jared waited while Miss Davis ordered the tisane to be delivered to her suite, then he followed her upstairs.

He watched closely as she took the stairs before him, trim hips swaying as she moved, exposing a tiny glimpse of her ankle with each step. Her hair, swept into a chignon showed off the slender scope of her neck. She was a fine specimen of a woman. Whenever she was near he couldn’t stop watching her closely.

When they reached the suite door, Miss Davis stopped and looked at him apologetically. “I had better go in first and prepare Aunt Josephine that we have company. I won’t be but a moment.”

He found waiting in the hallway odd while she announced him, but thought better of it when raised voices came from the other side of the door. He tried not to eavesdrop, but when a high-pitched shriek sounded, he dropped the basket in the hall and burst through the door.

“Aunt Josephine!” Miss Davis exclaimed, kneeling before the woman on the floor. She patted her aunt’s pale cheeks quickly, but it did not rouse the woman.

“What happened?” he asked.

“She fainted.” Miss Davis looked at the maid who held an infant. “Charlotte, bring Lucas to me and hurry down and see if there’s a doctor near.”

“Yes miss,” the maid replied.

“I’ll go,” Jared said. “I know where Doctor Gordon’s office is. That’s where he’s likely to be on a Sunday afternoon if he isn’t at home.”

Miss Davis looked at him, their gaze locking for a moment, her gratitude evident for his assistance. “Thank you, Mr. Hollingsworth.”

He gave a quick bow and backed out of the room, reappearing with the picnic basket. He quickly set it inside the suite and left again.

“Charlotte, please get me a wet cloth,” Rebecca reached for Lucas, then set him on the floor next to her. “I don’t know why Josephine has these spells.”

The maid shot her a look.

“All right. I do know,” Rebecca admitted. “I just wish she wouldn’t overreact. What’s wrong with inviting Mr. Hollingsworth to our suite to have the picnic indoors? How can that be improper? Isn’t he the one taking a chance being alone with three females and a baby?”

Charlotte snickered. “That Copyright 2016 - 2024