Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,63

a confrontation first thing in the morning, especially when I was so close to having yet another orgasm to start my day. Hamilton liked tossing out pleasure like it was candy on Halloween.

I tripped while putting on my sweatpants and ran toward my front door with my thin, oversized green shirt slipping off my shoulder and my wild brown hair bouncing with every step. “Can you just get the fuck out of here already? We were sleeping, man. Who comes over at nine a.m. on a Saturday?”

“Yeah. I can fucking see that you both were sleeping,” Jared growled. “How old are you even, bro? Thirty? Isn’t Vera a bit young for you? Or is that part of this whole kink?” I frowned when I saw them both in the entryway. Hamilton was as naked as the day he was born, not even bothering to cup his junk. Bruises in the shape of my lips covered his body. Scratches ran down his back. His glossy skin looked angry and red.

And his fists were clenched.

Jared was the complete opposite, with his freshly showered hair slicked back. His polo tucked into his khaki pants. He looked crisp and clean. “Vera,” he breathed out. Disappointment dripped from his tone. I forced a smile.

“Hamilton, why don’t you go get some clothes on?” I asked.

“Nah, I’m good,” he snapped. “Jared here was just asking me about my kinks. Should we tell him how you begged me to bend you over the edge of the mattress? I pounded your pussy until you nearly blacked out from your tenth orgasm, didn’t I, Petal?” He turned to Jared once more and sarcastically shrugged before placing his index finger to his plump lip. “I mean. Since you want to talk about my kinks, I like choking her, Jared. Do you know how to make a woman come when she’s on the brink of passing out? Do you know the right amount of pressure? Do you know how her creamy ass looks when it’s marked up with my handprint?” Hamilton was on a roll today. I guess he wanted to have a dick measuring contest. Fucking hell.

“Don’t disrespect her like that!” Jared yelled.

“Jared, it’s fine,” I said softly.

“It’s not fine, Vera. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I didn’t realize he was coming over. Or staying the night.” Jared shuffled on his feet. I had just realized he was holding something. “I got us bagels. Figured we could go to the park and decompress? The article was taken down.”

“What?” Hamilton asked.

Jared ignored him and continued to speak directly to me. “I guess your grandfather had the piece removed. People aren’t really talking about it. It’s like everyone has been told not to.”

Hamilton ran his fingers through his hair and let out a huff. “Yeah. I’m going to go put some clothes on,” he murmured before raising his voice. “Keep your dainty little hands to yourself, lover boy.”

Hamilton stalked off, his abrupt departure making me wince. What was he upset about? I hadn’t asked Jared to come over, and it wasn’t like we were dating or anything. I’d made it very clear that Jared was just a friend. An annoying friend that I seriously needed to establish better boundaries with. “So, the article is gone?”

“Gone. I asked the building manager and campus security to keep an eye out for Saint. If they see him on campus, they’ll arrest him on the spot.”

“Wow, Jared. Thank you for checking up on all of that for me,” I whispered before looking down at my toes. This was awkward. Very awkward. “I’ll call you later—”

“Did you really fuck him?” Jared asked. “Or was he just saying that to rattle me?”

The question caught me off guard. “What? You’re going to make me say it out loud?” Couldn’t Jared see? I mean Hamilton answered the door stark naked.

“Did you fuck your uncle, Vera?”

I gaped at him. “Yeah. She did,” Hamilton answered for me while walking back into the room. He was shirtless, and the jogging pants he wore were slung low on his hips. Beside him, Little Mama was wiggling and whining to go outside. “Do you want the dirty details, you kinky fucker?”

“No, I just want to know if she realizes how bad this will look for her family,” Jared replied. “I’ve grown up in this world. I know what the media is like. I’ve been on the receiving end of their bias and prejudice more times than I care to count.”

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