Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,62

for approval from the people we cared about buried deep in our souls.

“I know you have the potential to be more than worth it, Hamilton. If we’re doing this, don’t half ass it. Don’t just make it some bullshit one-night stand where we both have fun, but it ends there. I want something real. Don’t catch a last-minute flight here to make sure I’m okay, then push me away. Don’t hurt me, Hamilton.”

He lifted the edge of my shirt up, pulling it over my head. I sank my teeth into my bottom lip while watching him take in the sight of me. Fuck. “I won’t half ass this,” he whispered before taking my heavy breast in his mouth and swirling his tongue around my nipple. I practically lifted off the bed. My body was completely fucking wrecked. Heat traveled through my limbs. Sticky wet need coated my thighs. He pulled away and gripped the band of my leggings. “This won’t be a one-night stand.”

He jerked my pants down, taking my pink thong with them. A rush of cold air flooded my exposed skin before he was there. Licking. Sucking. Tasting. I moaned and writhed on the bed. I cried out his name.

I came.

Hamilton wiped his lips with my inner thigh as little aftershocks rocked through me. He sat up. “This can be real, Petal. I won’t push you away.”

He undressed slowly. I watched his movements. I watched him dig in the pockets of his gray sweats and pull out a condom. Did he know it would lead to this? Did he know I ached for him?

He rolled on the rubber. He climbed on top of me. He spread my legs. I felt stripped bare as he positioned himself at my entrance and tugged on the loose strands of my hair. His hand clamped around my neck, then his body surged forward and impaled me with his cock. I stretched. I screamed. I slowly eased into the fullness that was Hamilton Fucking Beauregard.

“You’re so goddamn tight. You okay, Petal?”

I gripped his forearm with one hand and grabbed his hip with the other, urging him to move. I couldn’t tell him I was alright. I wasn’t exactly sure if I was.

Hamilton made me feel fucking dirty.

And I treasured it.

In and out. He pounded into me. I was a writhing puddle of need. Crashing. Falling.

Breaking. I was breaking.

Sweat clung to his brow. My nightlight, meant to illuminate my fears, cast shadows on his glistening skin.

We didn’t inch toward completion. No.

We raced to that finish line with our muscles spent, our bodies exploding from the tension. I came hard and raw and with everything I had.

Hamilton stared at me, his eyes wide with wonder as I fell apart. Thrusting. Thirsting. Fucking. Pumping. Something close to loving—but not quite.

He collapsed on top of me. Orgasms had the power to clear a person’s mind. I wasn’t thinking about the what ifs. I wasn’t worried about what people were going to say. I just felt him growing soft inside me. Breathing on top of me. Kissing my skin with wordless thank yous.

But my subconscious was whispering something. Something I wanted to ignore.

He never said he wouldn’t hurt you.


Hot breath feathered down my neck. Sweat dripped at my hairline. Warm limbs tangled up. Salty soft skin. Light snores. Bliss.

A hard knock on my door made my eyes shoot open. “Who the fuck is here?” Hamilton groaned. I was too exhausted. We spent all night twisted up in one another, working through this fatal attraction we shared. Even now, as I lay naked in my bed, with his dried cum between my thighs and a hickey on my neck, I craved him again.

“Ignore them,” I mumbled.

His hand was wrapped around my stomach, the tip of his fingers edging toward my pussy. He moved them lower—slower. The touch was slightly teasing but also calculative and full of promise.

Even in his sleepy state, Hamilton moved with intention.

The knocking continued. “For fuck’s sake,” Hamilton growled before pulling his hand back. No!

With one move, he shoved the warm duvet off of his side of the bed, and a rush of air fluttered over my skin. He sat up and rolled out of bed before stomping out of my room. It took me another moment to realize he was buck naked and headed toward my front door. I shot out of bed and grabbed some clothes just as Jared’s voice boomed. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Shit. I wasn’t in the mood for Copyright 2016 - 2024