Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,64

don’t know?” Hamilton replied lazily while grabbing Little Mama’s leash. The poor pit mix looked like she was going to pee on my tile.

“I think you don’t care,” Jared scoffed.

“You’re probably right,” Hamilton replied. My heart sank. The world cracked open and swallowed me up. He doesn’t care? Care about what? Me? “I don’t care what the media thinks. I need to walk my dog. I’d like for you to be gone by the time I get back.” Hamilton grabbed a sweatshirt and shrugged it on before slipping on some shoes and walking over to me. With one hand on Little Mama’s leash, he grabbed the back of my head with the other and smashed his lips to mine in a possessive display of power and heat. His tongue surged past my parted mouth. His groans filled the kitchen, and as quickly as our kiss began, it ended when he tore his hot lips from mine.

“This is so fucked,” Jared cursed.

“Be right back, Petal,” he whispered before taking Little Mama on her morning walk.

It wasn’t until the front door shut that Jared spoke again. “You know this won’t last, right?”

His question rang true in my heart. “Yes,” I answered honestly. This couldn’t last. There was never any guarantee that anything ever lasted, was there? “Let’s not talk about this, okay? Give me a bagel, I’m famished.”

Jared snorted. “I bet you are. I saw the bite marks and scratches all over him, wildcat. Jesus. This is bad. For the record, I do not support this.”

I snatched the bag out of his hand and made my way over to the island where I pulled out a stool and sat down. “Why do you care so much? It doesn’t affect you,” I said before pulling out the everything bagel and sinking my teeth into it. It was like heaven on my tongue. Carbs were nirvana. “In fact, we still sort of barely know one another, Jared. Who I fuck has no bearing on our friendship. If you’re worried about being seen with me, then—”

“It’s not that. I care about you, Vera. How many times do I have to say it?” he asked before sitting beside me and pulling out his breakfast. “Do you think your stepdad is going to be mad? What about your mom? Jack seems like the kind of guy to want to keep his image clean, too.”

“They’re not going to be anything because they’re never going to find out,” I replied. “Again, why do you care?”

“You fucked your uncle, Vera. That’s some Wattpad taboo shit. You’re an unclefucker.”

“He’s not my real uncle!” I exclaimed with a full mouth. “And do you read fanfic on Wattpad?”

Jared took a bite of his food. I still didn’t understand why this was such a big ordeal to him. I was the one who would have to cope with the consequences. I was the one who was risking my relationship with my mother. I was the one who would get her heart broken when the excitement wore off and Hamilton left. “It won’t last,” I whispered.

“It won’t,” Jared agreed. “So why put yourself through this? Why risk it?” I turned on my stool to face Jared. He reached up and swiped his thumb along my bottom lip, making me blush. “Sorry. There was a crumb.”

“Do you ever just feel an undeniable connection with someone? The chemistry is unavoidable.”

Jared swallowed. “Yeah. I have.” The meaningful look in his eyes was filled to the brim with promise, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

Clearing my throat, I continued before he could once again admit his feelings for me. “I’ve lived my life according to my mother’s rules and opinions. I just want this one thing.”

Jared cleared his throat and turned his attention forward. “Right. Well, I better get going. Enjoy the rest of your bagel. If your asshole uncle hasn’t left by tonight, invite him out to Throwback Bar, okay? We can all get some drinks and try to be civil.”

I raised my brow. “You’ll hang out with Hamilton?” I asked.

“Only if he promises not to be a total dick. And at least that way I can make sure he’s treating you right.” Jared got off his stool and paused for a moment. “You deserve better than a whim, Vera. Better than a secret single thing.”

I bit my lip as he let himself out. I wished I could like Jared, I really did. But I was a tragic romantic. I craved what would ruin me.

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