Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,24

forward and grabbed my wrist. "Welcome to the club, Aurora. I'm guessing your accident messed you up pretty good."

I grinned. I liked these girls. They couldn't begin to imagine what I was, but I wasn't alone after all. Just so long as they didn't discover I was out to destroy the creatures whose bite they found so addictive.

"Your turn," Noel said. "How did you first become acquainted with vampires?"

Acquainted. I liked that word. As though one strolled up to me one day and said, "So I'm a vampire. We do exist. Crazy, huh? Oh, and nice to meet you. Mind removing your scarf so I can bite you?"

"It was sort of sprung on me," I said. "Like, out of the blue."

Whitney and Hope bobbed their heads. Noel studied the black polish on her nails. It wasn't until later that it occurred to me she never did divulge how she came to be partying with vampires or how long it had been going on.

After leaving the library and waving goodbye to the juniors, I turned and found myself face-to-face with Valerie.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd driven your car off a cliff, but it turns out you've just been making friends with lowerclassmen. Probably a good idea since you'll most likely end up repeating senior year."

"I suppose you'd know about that. What is this - your sixth year at Denali?"

Valerie took a step forward, but stopped when a hall monitor rounded the corner and headed our way. She smiled with deep red lips. "As much as I'd enjoy kicking your ass, I do plan on graduating. Got to get to class. We'll talk later."

I rolled my eyes as Valerie headed off. Once she was out of my face, I noticed Fane propped against the far wall watching us...or me, rather, now that Valerie had stormed off. I could take the far hallway and avoid walking past him, but then I'd have to do a lap around the school to get to my locker. Besides, Fane needed to know I wouldn't be intimidated by him or his wench.

He grinned as I walked past. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Shouldn't you?"

He pushed off the wall and walked toward me. "We've missed you in gym. I enjoyed your little performance the other day."

I turned my head to follow Fane's movements as he circled me.

"I'm glad to see that you're feeling better," he continued.

"Yep. Never better."

He stared at the red scarf around my neck. I didn't take my eyes off him.

"Good," he said slow and sensual. He stepped in my path as I tried to walk past.

My heartbeat quickened. There had to be something seriously sick about feeling aroused by a person who pissed me off.

My jaw tightened. "Get out of my way, unless you want me to drop you the way I dropped Clayton."

Fane's teeth flashed when he grinned. He stepped aside. "Careful, Aurora, I might take you down with me."

I hurried past him, feeling his smile on my back the entire way. Now I had a whole other reason to avoid gym besides loathing the class.

To think I actually wanted to dance with the scoundrel at winter ball. I'd sooner dance with a viper.

Mom did the final touches on my hair the night of the dance. Having it swept up in a twist made me want to wear my scarf more than ever, but Mom convinced me to leave it for one night.

"The wound has nearly faded."

"Has it?" I asked absently.

"What about a necklace instead?"

I suppose a winter scarf didn't exactly go with my short black dress. I opted for a choker on a thick velvet ribbon. I needed something on my neck.

Mom had on her happy face. I looked at her reflection in the mirror beside me rather than my own.

"You look beautiful. The boys are going to be sorry they didn't ask you to the dance."

I found myself smiling back at her.

In the past, Denise and I arrived right on time to dances. Tonight I asked my Mom drive me two hours into winter ball.

I wasn't the only one arriving late. Two senior couples meandered over the shoveled path leading to the school. When they opened the double doors, music blew out like a beckoning force and sucked us inside.

"Hi, Aurora!" Senior class president Susan Miller greeted me from the table where she was set up with a cash box.

I handed her six bucks, which she stuffed inside a metal box.

She stamped a blue snowflake onto the back of my hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024