Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,25

"Have fun."

Music thumped inside the student center. There was already a large group dancing, including Denise and Alan Baxter. I wove through the rocking mass and made my way to the core, where I could dance unnoticed and twist my body to the rhythm of the beat.

Emily Horton was grinding against Clayton Wilcox. Weird. I thought she and Scott were together. I didn't notice him in the cluster of celebrated seniors.

I closed my eyes, ran my hands down my body, and threw my head back. I swayed side to side, inching my way to the floor. When I'd reached the ground I made my way slowly back up.

When I opened my eyes I saw Denise look over then quickly away.

A disco ball spun in slow circles overhead, sending fractured light over the students below. I danced until my throat went dry. When I'd had enough, I abruptly stopped and pushed my way out in the middle of a song.

The line in front of the refreshment table barely moved, so I bailed in favor of the water fountain. After I stood and licked a drop of water from my lips, I noticed Scott Stevens leaning against the wall, arms folded.

"Hi, Scott."

It was a beautiful thing to see a boy's face change so quickly. Scott brightened when he smiled. "Hey, Aurora. How's it going?"

"You know. It's going. How 'bout you?"

"Yeah," he said.

I looked over at the students dancing. "Aren't you here with Emily Horton?"

Scott half-laughed, half-grunted. "Sort of."

"Why is she dancing with Clayton?"

"She's trying to make me jealous."

I flashed Scott a smile. "Want to give her a taste of her own medicine?"

He hesitated for only a second. "Would you like to dance?"

I put my arm around his in answer. Scott led us toward the gathered mass. He pushed through the dancing bodies, bringing us by the speakers and most popular kids at Denali. The couples in this section ground against each other. Scott danced about a foot from me until I stepped forward and put my hands around his neck. Scott required no further encouragement. His hands slid over my hips. He thrust himself at me in tempo with the music - a beat that pulsed as wildly as his body.

Classmates glanced our way. This was my moment: Aurora Sky dancing with Scott Stevens. I was high on a cloud.

I didn't even care when Emily confronted us during a slow dance.

"Scott, what the hell is this?" She stood beside us, brandishing an unattractive scowl.

"I'm dancing with Aurora Sky. What does it look like?"

"It looks like you forgot you came with a date."

Scott didn't let go of me. "So you can go off and dance with other people, but I can't?"

Emily glanced at the small audience taking in the scene. "Fine," she said. "You know what? I'll find someone else to give me a ride home while I'm at it."

By the time the deejay announced the last song of the night, Emily had stormed off with Clayton. She got the short end of the stick in my opinion. Literally. Clayton Wilcox barely reached five four.

The speakers stopped pounding as a lulling slow song drifted over the student body. Scott pulled me closer. I'd never had a guy's arms around me like that. It felt good.

Now that the last slow song of the night was playing, only couples remained on the dance floor. The girls wrapped their arms around their guys, eyes half closed on a sigh.

"Sorry about your date," I murmured against Scott's chest.

I felt Scott shrug. "Don't worry about it. Emily wanted to break up last week, but postponed because of winter ball."

"Timing's everything."

Scott laughed softly. "Anyway, the dance turned out good." He stopped rocking and leaned back. "I bet you didn't know that I've had a crush on you since the beginning of the year."


Scott's cheeks dimpled. "Yeah, you, Aurora Sky."

I wished I still had my head against his shoulder so he wouldn't see me blush.

Scott's voice turned to a whisper. "You're so beautiful when you smile."

He took my head in his hands and leaned in.

Hallelujah! Scott Stevens was about to kiss me.

I parted my lips slowly. Scott opened wide.

Be cool, Aurora. I'd die of embarrassment if he figured out this was my first kiss.

It was pretty simple, my lips needed to touch his. But when I leaned forward, rather than make contact, my mouth went inside Scott's. His lips moved all over me. He wasn't kissing, so much as sucking my face.

This couldn't be right. Not Scott Stevens. He was Copyright 2016 - 2024