Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,23

take these days? Herpes?"

I felt the bleachers shift and creak. "You better watch your mouth or I'll put you back in a coma."

"Oh please, save that line for a freshman."

The bleachers shuddered when she stood.

I stood, too, and whipped around. There was no longer a smile on my lips. "You want to do this now or after class?"

I wanted to see Fane's expression, but I couldn't break eye contact with Valerie.

"God," Valerie said in mock pity. "That accident must have really messed up your brain. I could kick your ass, little girl, but I don't fight handicaps."

I had to say something. Fane was watching.

I narrowed my eyes. "And I don't fight cowards."

With that, I leapt off the bleachers and headed for the locker room.
Chapter 9 Winter Ball
The next day, I added gym to the skip list. Hope and I hung out in the library. Apparently, Whitney never missed keyboarding, and Noel had a crush on her second-period Psych teacher.

I'd worked out a routine where I could avoid Denise almost entirely. In the morning, I went straight from the bus to English. I skipped math altogether, avoiding Denise and the numeric hell that was Algebra II.

No need to worry about keeping my place with Notre Dame. I wasn't going anywhere so to fuck with it.

The Mouseketeers treated me with a certain respect I was becoming accustomed to.

"Was that your first bite?" Whitney asked one day in the library when the four of us were seated together at a table by the back wall.

I tightened my scarf. "Yeah."

"How was it?"

"How was it?" I repeated. Those sick yellow eyes returned to me - like a smoker whose whites have discolored. I shuddered.

Noel propped a hand under her chin. Her hood was pulled back and her hair fell over her shoulders. "I'll never forget my first bite."

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

"His name was Henry, and when he sunk his teeth into my neck I could feel him break through each layer of skin right down to my vein. It was agonizing, but then there was this sudden rush and release of blood, as though my body wanted to give him as much as he wanted to take. My heart was all over the place. I was like a deer in the headlights. You know - stunned."

I was momentarily speechless. "And you, Hope? What was your first time like?"

Hope twirled a strand of red hair. "Well, I'm not a poet like Noel, but it was unforgettable. I guess that much is obvious. And it was with Henry's friend, Gavin."

I looked at Whitney. "And you, Whit?"

"Henry was my first, as well." Whitney laughed. "He likes to whisper sweet nothings inside your ear. He likes to compare your skin to the finest porcelain and say his heart won't go on if he can't have one taste of your sweet blood."

"Gavin wasn't much for words - just biting," Hope said.

Noel laughed. "And sucking."

Hope smacked Noel on the shoulder.

"So what was the name of your first?" Whitney asked.

"I'd rather forget," I said. "He turned out to be a brute."

"You have to watch out for the brutes," Noel said. "Let me know if you need me to kick anyone's ass, 'cause I can do that."

Hope smiled. "Noel's small, but freakishly strong."

"Thanks, but I'm pretty good at kicking ass, myself."

Noel flipped her black and blond-streaked hair over one shoulder. "If you ever need back-up, just say the word."

"Same goes for you. How long have you guys known about vampires?"

Whitney leaned back in her chair. "I found out at the end of sophomore year. I was heavy into coke back then, and a friend from West High invited me to a party. She said there was going to be something better than drugs. Hope came with me."

"We found out together," Hope said.

"And we saw Noel there."

Noel smiled. "It was one of Marcus's parties."

"Who's Marcus? Is he a student at West?"

Noel grinned. "Not Marcus. He's too old. Well, they're all old, but he looks it."

"How old are we talking?"

Noel looked at Whitney and shrugged. "Twenty-six?"

"Or twenty-eight."

"Anyway, he lives by West High and his friends Henry and Gavin do the school routine and find kids who like to party with the undead."

I sat up. "And they just reveal themselves to you like that? 'Surprise! I'm a vampire, mind if I suck your blood?'"

Hope chuckled. "She's funny."

"They're a bit more selective then that," Noel said. "They seek a certain type."

"And what type is that?"

"The seriously fucked-up type."

The Mouseketeers laughed in unison. Whitney leaned Copyright 2016 - 2024