had been with Sorenson when Latham delivered the same information.
"I trust you're still there, Colonel."
"I wish I weren't," mumbled Witkowski.
"I can't think of anything to say."
"How about bullshit?"
"That's my first reaction, but there's a secondary one and it's just as strong. His name is Harry Latham."
"I know that-for all the reasons you mentioned and several dozen you didn't. But even my brother can make a mistake, or accept disinformation until he analyzes it. That's why I have to talk to him."
"Mrs. de Vries explained that he's due here in Paris within a day or two, that you left word for him to keep calling you, which now he obviously won't be able to do."
"I can't even give him a number, it's not on the phone here. But you have it."
"That number is buried in the underground telephone lines, at least the address is, and it's undoubtedly a false one.
"So what do we do?"
"It's a leap of faith neither Sorenson nor I would normally approve of, but tell Mrs. de Vries where Harry is in London. We'll take it from there and arrange your getting together. Here she is."
"Drew?" said Karin, now on the phone.
"Is everything at the Maison Rouge all right?"
"Only outstanding, lady-excuse me, how about 'my benevolent female friend'?"
"Stop trying to be clever, it doesn't help. The Antmayous can be quite hostile, even with their proven allies."
"Oh, they're fine, except that everything they say seems to end with an exclamation mark."
"It's the language, dismiss it. You heard the colonel, how can I reach Harry?"
"He's at the Gloucester, under the name of Wendell Moss."
"I'll make the arrangements. Stay where you are and try to remain calm."
"That's not terribly easy. I'm in this mess but I'm also outside of it. I can't call the shots, and that bothers me."
"You're not in a position to 'call any shots," my dear. The colonel and I are, and we will act in your best interests, in all our best interests, believe me."
"Again, I have to, and thanks for the 'my dear." A touch of warmth is appreciated right now. It's cold out here."
"I give it freely. As you do with the word lady that you applied to your mother, who is prettier and less cotter whatever than I am.
We are now en famille, for few families could be closer than we are, whether we like it or not."
"You know, I kind of wish you were here."
"You shouldn't. I'd be a dreadful disappointment, Officer Latham."
Far below in the embassy's pristine white cellars, a white coated member of Team C, the afternoon shift, snapped off the override switch that taped everything spoken over every telephone in the embassy; the scramblers did not affect the in-house calls, a fact even the ambassador was not aware of-orders from Washington.
The interceptor looked at the clock on the wall; it was seven minutes to four o'clock, seven minutes to the end of his shift, seven minutes to retrieve the tape and surreptitiously replace it with a blank. He could do it. He had to do it. Sieg Heil!
Patient No. 28
Code Name: Sting
Current Status: Day 6, post procedure.
Estimated time span remaining: 3 days minimum, 6 days maximum.
Dr. Gerhardt Kroeger studied the computer screen in his new offices on the outskirts of Mettmach. A complete clinic was being built deep in the forests of Vaclabruck; until it was finished he could continue his research but, unfortunately, without human experimentation. Still, there was enough to do in terms of unexplored microsurgery enhanced by the newest laser techniques to occupy him, but currently the progress of Patient No. 28, one Harry Latham, was as vital as anything else. The initial report from London was exhilarating. The subject had responded to interrogation under computerized electronic impulses. Excellent!
Harry Latham replaced the phone in his room at London's Gloucester hotel. A rush of warmth spread over him, sweet memories of things past, hours of comfort and delight in a world that had gone mad. He was a confirmed bachelor, realizing that it was too late to share or impose his likes and dislikes with, or on, another person. But if ever there was a woman who could negate this conclusion,
Harry J. Latham, American. CIA Case Officer.
Operation Terminated: May 14, 5:30 P.M.
it was Frederik de Vries's wife, Karin. Freddie de V had been the finest runner under his control in the Cold War years, but Harry had spotted his flaw, the flaw that made him extraordinary. Simply put, it was hatred-unmitigated, passionate hatred. Latham had tried constantly to