The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,53

figure in the doorway she tried to keep her voice even and unemotional.

"I suggest you see me in the morning, Sir Edward, if you have a question for me." Her tone was dismissive but Tallworth made no move to leave.

"Thought we ought to get better acquainted. After all I am the children's uncle and I like to keep appraised of their progress."

Tallworth entered the room, closing the door behind him. Although no expression crossed Cara's face she felt a jolt of fear along her spine. Her eyes darted to her bedroom door and she debated whether she should make a break for it or hold her ground. Her heart hammered, filling her ears with the sound. Her lips trembled and she had to moisten them before she was able to speak.

"I'm very sorry, Sir Edward, but it's late and I am tired. We'll have to continue this conversation in the morning. I'm afraid it would be hardly suitable at this hour."

She had tried to speak crisply but her voice quivered with the fear engendered by the presence of the man. She felt trapped, wanting to run but afraid that any overt action would trigger immediate violence in the tense figure across the room. Her eyes began to search the room for a weapon as she realized she would need to be able to defend herself.

"Please call me Edward, Miss Farraday." His tongue had trouble with the syllables of her name indicating that he had been drinking most of the evening.

"If you will please leave, Sir Edward, we can talk at another time." As she spoke, Cara was edging closer to the door of her room but Tallworth had already ascertained her direction and cut her off.

"After all, Miss Farraday," Tallworth continued as though she had not spoken, "You have been here almost a month and I feel we should be able to work out a closer relationship."

"I can see no possible reason that we should have any relationship at all," Cara snapped in anger. Although she managed to speak bravely her whole body began to tremble.

"Despite your pathetic wardrobe I feel you have great potential." Tallworth leered at her, leaving little to her imagination as to his intentions. As he spoke he staggered toward her, devouring her with his eyes.

"I beg your pardon, sir."

Cara was terrified now but tried to portray dignified outrage. She knew instinctively that if she showed her fear he would cease the cat and mouse game and pounce on her immediately. All she could hope for was to play for time, trusting to chance for an opportunity to outwit his attack. As he circled around the chair toward her she tried a bold maneuver.

"I can no longer remain in this room when you insult me."

With racing heart Cara stalked toward the door into the corridor. Her movement caught him by surprise and for a moment she thought she might be able to escape. As Tallworth's look of surprise turned to fury, he charged after her, grabbing her arm and pulling her toward him. Cara struggled but was afraid of precipitating anything worse.

"You're hurting my arm," Cara cried, her voice shaking with a combination of anger and hysteria.

"Now, my dear, pray give over the coy maidenly act. I'm sure we can come to some agreement."

Tallworth spun her around and his lips swooped down to capture hers in a punishing kiss. His liquor-laden breath gagged her as she struggled within the embrace. As his kiss deepened Cara began to struggle in earnest, fighting down her panic and rising faintness. Loosing one of her hands she swung and caught him heavily on the ear. As he staggered away she broke loose and ran toward her bedroom door. Her hand touched the knob, but with a leap, Tallworth was on her before she could gain entrance. With a wrenching pain, he threw her against the door reaching for her.

"For that, my dear, you will pay dearly," Tallworth snarled.

Cara cried out before he could kiss her again and raising her foot kicked him in the leg. Her soft slippers made little dent on his leather boots. An evil smile lit Tallworth's face as he pulled her toward him. She moaned in fear and pain as his grasping fingers bit into her shoulders.

"Excuse me, Edward. I am sure you can find entertainment elsewhere."

Julian's ice-tinged voice was startling in the stillness of the room. Tallworth's grip loosened and Cara staggered back against the wall. Shaking with relief, she was unable to make a Copyright 2016 - 2024