The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,52

nose noisily into a voluminous handkerchief, then spat into the dust. They grinned at each other, content to have witnessed the growing trust between the boy and his uncle. Cara's steps were light on the way back to the Hall but she halted abruptly when she saw Edward Tallworth walking toward her.

"Good afternoon, Miss Farraday," Tallworth called, making a mocking leg.

"Sir Edward," Cara acknowledged coolly as she continued on the path. Her heart fluttered anxiously as she caught the calculating gleam in Tallworth's eye.

"Is it too much to hope that you have missed me?" he asked as they drew abreast.

"I am afraid, Sir Edward, that I was not aware that you were away." Cara lied without a qualm. She had been relieved at his absence since the night he had accosted her in the garden.

"And how are your charges?" he asked unctuously.

"Doing well, thank you. In fact you must excuse me for I am late for Belin's lessons."

For a moment Cara thought Tallworth would attempt to bar her way. But as he reached out an arm to detain her, his eyes flicked over her shoulder and he dropped the hand to his side. Hearing Richard and Julian's voices as they approached along the path, Cara skirted around Tallworth and hurried to the safety of the Hall.

Cara crouched before the fireplace blowing on the dying fire. A flame flicked out, curling around one of the small pieces of kindling she had just added. She blew once and the flame disappeared, then as she continued blowing, it flared out stronger, catching on the tinder. Despite the heat of the day, Cara relished her fire at night to combat the slight chill from the exterior stone walls. She frowned in annoyance at the fire. She had been reading and had let it get too low. After a few , more pokings and proddings the fire crackled briskly and she curled up in a chair with her book. Her eyes stared at the pages but her mind was far away, unable to comprehend the words she saw. Her time at Weathersfield was almost up. She could expect a summons from her grandmother to end the masquerade at any time. When she had begun the charade she had planned to be an observer. It was evident that her character did not permit such a passive role. She had hurled herself into the affairs of the children, confronting Julian when she felt he was in the wrong. It seemed she made a very poor employee. Not only did she become totally involved with her charges but she had also fallen in love with her employer.

Soon, she would go back to her grandmother's and resume the role of Caroline Leland, young lady of fashion and bride of Julian, Lord Wilton.

For the hundredth time Cara wondered if Julian would recognize her. She hoped with proper clothing and with her red-gold hair curling around her face she would be a far cry from the dowdy governess. If she had stayed in the background he might not see any resemblance but her own actions had doomed that from the outset. Would he feel betrayed? Would he disavow the marriage? She would count on her grandmother’s iron will to make sure the marriage stood.

It would however be awkward. She wondered how he would deal with her. She did not know what Julian expected from their relationship. He had agreed to the marriage but would it be in name only? How could she explain to him that she already loved him and she was prepared to be more than just the mother of his heir? This thought brought the blood rushing to her cheeks and she turned her mind into safer channels.

The candles flickered on the table beside her at the opening of the schoolroom door.

Edward Tallworth lounged in the doorway, a smug satisfied smile on his face. The silence in the room and in the rest of the Hall made Cara conscious of the lateness of the hour and the inappropriateness of his visit.

"May I help you?" Cara asked coldly.

At Tallworth's leering expression, Cara hastily rose from her chair. Even standing, she felt at a disadvantage as the man loomed in the doorway. It had never occurred to her that she might be in danger in her own rooms. There was an air of menace around Tallworth that had frightened Cara in the garden but now it was even more powerful. Although her nervousness had increased at the silence of the Copyright 2016 - 2024