The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,51

the tightness gathering in his loins.

Julian's ever-watchful eyes caught the glimmer of a smile on Cara's face and he wondered what had brought such a contented expression to her face. In a burst of anger he considered the fact that she might have found a suitor among his household staff or his tenants. He hoped that none of the men would importune the girl, whose youth would be very tempting to someone of jaded appetite. The scandal of the last governess had been narrowly averted and Julian would never permit a recurrence. Of course that young lady's story had been that Edward Tallworth had seduced her, however her avaricious demands made it difficult to believe that she was less than a willing partner to the seduction.

Perhaps I ought to warn Miss Farraday about Tallworth, Julian considered. Sort of give her a little fatherly advice.

He snorted in disgust thinking about the man. It had been a peaceful ten days since Tallworth had gone north on business. He was due back shortly and Julian hoped his interest in Miss Farraday had diminished. For all her maturity with the children the little American appeared unaware of the dangers inherent in her position.

"Would you, Uncle Julian?"

Richard's voice broke into Julian's reverie. He blinked his eyes several times until he could focus on the boy sitting beside him on the floor.

"I'm sorry, lad. I'm afraid I wasn't attending," Julian muttered, aware that his nephew had been speaking to him before he became so mired in his own thoughts.

"I asked if you'd like to see Loki?" the boy repeated.

"And what, pray tell, is a 'loki'?" Julian asked with a smile.

"It's not an it. It's a him." Then tired of the word game he burst out, "It's the colt that Miss Farraday and I have been taking care of."

"I see. Well in that case I would be delighted to see him."

Leaving Belin in the kitchen where she could be cosseted with cookies and sticky buns Cara followed Julian and Richard to the stables. The boy could barely contain his excitement, skipping ahead and then dashing back to exhort them to greater speed. Gathering up Glum as they entered the stables, their footsteps echoed on the wooden floors as they approached Loki's stall.

"He's still pretty small, Uncle Julian," Richard stated defensively as he prepared to open the door of the box. "But I just know he's going to be a smashing good horse."

"Well let's have a look at him." Julian stood back so that the nervous boy could lead the slim-legged animal out into the main part of the stables.

Cara and Glum hung back, giving the lad room to shine. They held their breath; eyes riveted on Julian's expressionless face. The black browed man stood motionless, eyeing the colt through narrowed eyes. Richard's hands shook on the lead rope but he remained silent while his uncle inspected his prize. Julian paced around the young stallion. With gentle hands he stroked the horse, testing the muscles and verifying the satiny coat and well-brushed main.

"I think you may be right, Richard," Julian agreed.

"Thank you, sir." Richard wriggled in ecstasy at his guardian's approval.

"He does appear to be an exceptionally fine specimen. He should only be sold to the finest rider. Someone who can appreciate his qualities."

"Sold?" the boy gulped in fear. He moved protectively to Loki stroking his forelock as the horse nuzzled his chest.

"Yes. But of course we would be careful whom he went to. No bruising rider or cow-handed neophyte."

"Oh, Uncle Julian, you really wouldn't sell him, would you?"

Julian almost smiled at the heartbreak in the voice of his nephew but held his mouth steady as he tilted his head to the side, staring at the colt.

"You might be right, halfling. It wouldn't be fitting to sell such a fine animal." The boy slumped in relief then stiffened as Julian continued. "He ought to be given to someone who would have sense enough to take care of such a magnificent horse. Do you think you would be able to take care of him, lad?"

The last words were spoken so softly that at first the boy was not sure that he had heard correctly. Then, in comprehension, his face whitened and his eyes lifted to Julian's for confirmation of the gift. At his uncle's answering nod, Richard gasped and in a flash of motion hurled himself on the older man.

Cara's vision was blurred with tears as she fumbled her way out into the stableyard. Beside her, Glum blew his Copyright 2016 - 2024