The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,54

sound as she fought to catch her breath.

Julian's eyes blazed with anger as he watched the girl fighting for self-possession. He was startled by the purity of lines in her face, seen in the shimmering light of the fire. Her blue-green eyes were dilated, a glowing counterpoint to the whiteness of her skin. Staring into the luminescent face of the frightened girl, he ached for the wounded vulnerability he saw etched on her soul. His eyes swung to the discomposed Tallworth and it was all that he could do not to bolt across the room and beat the man into insensibility for causing this innocent even one moment of pain or discomfort. He had always thought that Tallworth was contemptible and blamed himself for permitting the man anywhere near Miss Farraday. With the man's unsavory history, the girl should have been protected from this sort of savagery.

Shaken by Tallworth's aborted attack and Julian's providential arrival, Cara could only stare mutely at her rescuer. She watched the mix of emotions mirrored in his eyes. Concern for her, anger at Tallworth and another more intangible expression that Cara could not put a name to. Unable to voice her appreciation and aware that once more Julian had found her in another untenable position a blush of color swept up her throat and with a swirl of skirts she threw open the door of her room. Inside, she leaned against the wood and shot the bolt for additional safety.

The soft crackling of the fire was the only sound in the schoolroom as Julian flung a blazing scowl at Tallworth who was rearranging his clothing in unconcern. The muscles of one of Julian's eyes twitched as he fought to control his temper. "After Miss Corday's precipitous departure," Julian remarked coldly, "I would have thought you would confine your dalliances to somewhere other than the schoolroom."

"I feel your arrival was less than welcome, Julian," Tallworth bluffed, retying his cravat with the utmost care.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear. Governesses are very difficult to find. I do not enjoy interviewing a new one every few months. I will not have you taking advantage of this one." Julian bit off his words in surpressed fury.

"Hah! Taking advantage indeed," Tallworth snarled back. "I would say the reverse was more likely. The chit was waiting for me in the corridor."

For some reason this statement ripped away the last vestiges of Julian's control and he grasped Tallworth by his newly tied cravat almost lifting him from the floor.

"I don't care if she comes to you without a stitch on. If you touch her again I will break every bone in your body."

The quietly spoken words were all the more threatening. Shrugging off Julian's hands, Tallworth straightened his neckcloth. His facial expression mirrored a trace of fear along with a calculating leer. Squaring his shoulders he strolled toward the door, conscious of Julian's eyes boring into his back.

"If you wanted her for yourself, old boy, you only had to tell me," Tallworth drawled as he disappeared through the door into the corridor.

Julian stood rooted to the floor, clenching and unclenching his hands. He wanted to tear after the other man and smash his fists into Tallworth's smirking face. He trembled with emotion as he fought to control his rage. He turned toward Cara's door wanting to assure her that she was no longer in danger. He would offer his protection for as long as she needed it. He would hold her in his arms and promise to keep her safe from harm.

"Damn," Julian swore turning away from the bedroom door. Storming down the corridor he wondered at his own innocence where Miss Farraday was concerned. He was a married man and could offer neither protection nor sanctuary to the little governess. Is that what he wanted to give the girl or was he as guilty as Tallworth in wanting to caress the lithe body beneath the dowdy clothes? His mind conjured up a picture of the girl spread naked in front of the fire, skin glowing in the flickering light. Groaning, Julian slammed into the library. He reached for the decanter of brandy. Hurling himself into a chair he poured a liberal portion into a glass and downed it quickly.

It was obvious that Tallworth would have to leave Weathersfield. The man had imbibed for the better part of the evening. Julian had watched him, knowing that his debauched habits and continued interest in the little governess would lead to trouble. When Tallworth Copyright 2016 - 2024