Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,14

the foreman’s house, which was about a mile or so from my folks’ place and on the opposite side of the ranch from Brock. Once I was forced out of bull riding and worked the ranch full time, I spent a year adding on to the cabin that my granddaddy had built for the foreman and making it into a three-bedroom ranch-style house. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was home. And it was renovated by my own two hands, so that counted for something. Especially since I hated shit like that. But it had been good therapy at the time.

The moment I walked into the barn, I came to a stop. Brock and Tanner were in a stall, and both turned to look at me.

Tanner grinned, and Brock shot me a suspicious glare as he looked me up and down.

“Didn’t even go home last night?” he asked.

“You keeping up with what I wear now, Brock?” I spat back.

He folded his arms over his chest and stared at me as I walked by. I looked into the stall to see that our horse Star was about to foal.

“She’s ready? I figured it would be a few more days,” I said.

Blayze popped up and gave me a wide toothless grin. “Hey, Uncle Ty! Star’s gonna have her a baby, and Daddy said I can help deliver it and name him or her.”

I reached over and rustled the brown hair on my nephew’s head. “I like the sound of that plan, buddy.”

“Who did you shack up with last night?” Tanner asked.

“Nice,” I said, jerking my head in the direction of Blayze. “Remember, little ears.”

Brock leaned over and smacked our younger brother. “Think before you speak, Tanner.”

I shot my youngest brother a smirk as I replied, “And I didn’t shack up with anyone.”

“That’s not what I saw. Dude, you were trashed and left with some hot chick who looked to be my age, if not younger,” Tanner said.

I rolled my eyes. “She was twenty-two, and nothing happened.”

“You left with her and stayed at her place, and you mean to say nothing happened?” Tanner asked as Brock shot me a look that said I was full of shit.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Nothing happened.” I looked at Brock. “Why are you shooting me death rays, Brock?”

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Ty,” Brock answered.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He cast a quick glance to Tanner, then motioned down to Blayze. “You got this for a minute?”

Tanner nodded. “Yeah, go ahead.”

“Where you going, Daddy?” Blayze asked, gazing up at his father with the same blue eyes Brock and I got from our own daddy.

“I’m going to talk to Uncle Ty . . . in private.”

“You gonna talk about Aunt Kaylee and how she was mad at Uncle Ty last night?”

That caught my attention. “What?”

Brock rubbed the top of his son’s head. “You sneak out of bed again, Blayze?”

He smiled and nodded his head. “Yes, sir. I already confessed to Mama.”

I couldn’t help but give the kid a knowing grin. Oh, how many times had my brothers and I sneaked down the steps to listen in on the grown-ups? Too many to count.

“Let’s go,” Brock said to me as he headed out of the barn.

“Listen, if you’re going to give me a lecture, I’m not in the mood. I have a pounding headache, and I woke up in the bed of the daughter of my freaking therapist.”

Brock turned and faced me with a stunned look on his face. “You’re shitting me.”

“I wish,” I said, rubbing the ache in the back of my neck. “So what’s this about Kaylee?”

He stared at me for a minute or two before finally speaking. “Kaylee stopped by last night. I guess she and Lincoln had a talk a few days ago about Kaylee speaking to you about a few things. She wanted to find out why you didn’t like her.”

I groaned. “I never said I didn’t like her.”

“Never said you did. Anyway, you got your point across to her, and she’s going out with Channing this weekend.”

Trying not to let it show how much that bothered me, I shrugged. “Good for her. It’s about time she got out and socialized with folks. She’s always holed up in that house, catching shit on fire.”

He regarded me, trying to see if he could read me.

Not a chance, little brother. This place is locked up tight.

“Ty, are you really going to let her go like that?”

I swallowed hard. “I don’t know what you’re talking Copyright 2016 - 2024