Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,13

don’t let anything have happened.”

Quickly, I set off to find my shirt and boots. I needed to get the hell out of here.

The nameless woman stirred in the bed, and I picked up the pace. I couldn’t find my socks, and in that moment I couldn’t have cared less. I slipped on my boots, sans socks, grabbed my wallet, and then looked at the unused condom on the side table.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I let my gaze move back to the woman.

She was awake and looking at me.

“You may not know this, or maybe you don’t want to admit it, but you’re in love with her.”

I frowned and tried to cover up her truth by laughing as I asked, “What are you talking about?”

She sat up and looked directly at me as she rested her chin on her knees. “Ty, the blonde from last night. The one talking to you at the bar. You’re in love with her.”

I scoffed. “You’re crazy, and I need to leave.”

“Why do you think I’m dressed, and so were you? You couldn’t sleep with me last night. You said you couldn’t do that to her. So either you’re with her and you were about to cheat, or you’re in love with her and won’t admit it to yourself, or to her, for whatever reason.”

“Remind me again, who in the hell are you?” I asked as I took a quick look around her bedroom before focusing back on her.

Her head tilted, and she flashed me a cute smile. “Lisa Waters.”

Lisa Waters. Why does that name sound so familiar?

Then it hit me. Lord Almighty . . . it hit me like a freight truck. “Oh, holy fuck. You’re Maria Waters’s kid. I knew you looked familiar.”

She laughed and crawled out of bed. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m far from being a kid. I’m thinking the next time you meet with Mom for a therapy session, you need to tell her about these little hidden feelings you got going on.”

“You don’t know anything about it,” I said. I picked up my phone and saw I had three missed calls. One from Brock, one from my mother, and one from an unknown number. I also had two voice mails.

“Maybe not, but I do know that you had a warm and willing body last night that was ready to do all sorts of naughty things with you, and you weren’t the least bit interested in me.” She gave me a wink. “I couldn’t get your cock to harden no matter what dirty thing I whispered into your ear.”

“I was drunk, and please tell me you’re over twenty-one.”

She flashed me a smile. “I’m twenty-two. How old are you?”


“I always did love an older man. Listen, I’ve got to go get ready—I’m having lunch with my parents. Show yourself out, will you?”

Groaning internally, I couldn’t believe I had almost slept with my therapist’s daughter. Thank God my wits, and not my dick, had showed up last night. “Yeah, sure thing.”

As I walked past her, she reached for my arm, pulling me to a stop. “I won’t mention this to my mother, but honestly, Ty, you need to talk to someone. You talk in your sleep—and believe me when I say I know what it’s like to hold in the demons. You can only do it for so long before they start coming out any way they can. Your nightmares . . . they were intense.”

I stared at her for the longest time. In all the times I’d hooked up with women, I’d never stayed with them all night. Not once. So knowing she had seen that side of me bothered the hell out of me, more than I cared to admit.

“I appreciate it, but you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not in love with anyone, let alone Kaylee Holden. And as far as any nightmares go, I was drunk and probably just dreaming weird shit.”

She shrugged, then gave me another wink. “Good luck with all that, dude. I just know I wouldn’t want to fight the battles your mind is waging with you.”

The entire drive back to the ranch, I tried to figure out what in the hell I had been thinking last night, leaving with Lisa. And fuck me . . . she was Maria’s kid. Just my damn luck.

After parking my truck, I decided to head to the barn and get a bit of work in before going back to my place. I lived in Copyright 2016 - 2024