Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,15

about, Brock.”

He sighed and dropped his head, giving it a slow shake. “Okay, well, I thought you might want to know she’s going out with him.”

“Like I said, good for her, but it don’t concern me any. Besides, she already told me Channing asked her out.”

Brock’s gaze caught mine. The corner of his mouth rose slightly into a smug expression. “It must be in our blood to be so damn blind. I get you’re scared, Ty. I get this isn’t what you thought your life would be like, but are you sure you want to push away the one thing that made you feel something?”

Anger pulsed through my veins. How in the hell did he know how I felt? Or who made me feel something? “Just because you’re settled with a wife and kids now doesn’t mean I want that, Brock. I’ve got enough shit in my life, and to add in a headstrong, stubborn-ass woman who would just drive me insane? Yeah, hard pass. Who wants to be tied down to one woman anyway?”

He nodded, a look of disappointment etched onto his face. “Right. Well, as long as you know what you’re doing.”

“I know exactly what I’m doing.” The way the lie rolled off my tongue surprised even me. I had no damn clue about anything anymore.

“How’s therapy going?”

That was not a subject I was wanting to talk about. “Fine. Now if that’s all, I’d like to get some chores done and then get back to my place.”

“Sure. Have at it, Ty.”

I turned and walked away from Brock. It pissed me off that he was doing this to me. Pressuring me to do something I wasn’t ready for. Sure, he had the wife and the new baby. He got to make his decisions. He went out on top as the best bull rider in the world. Retired after winning the PBR World Championship again. Hell, he still had people calling him to do sponsorships.

I’d also gotten calls after the accident to keep doing sponsorships, but I’d turned them all down. I wasn’t interested. Not when I was trying to deal with the reality that I’d never climb onto the back of a bull ever again. It had been too difficult to even think of entering that world again right after the accident. Then, once the addiction started, I was so lost I didn’t know what in the hell I wanted to do. I hadn’t realized I’d never really found that lost part of me.

As I went about the morning, taking care of things around the ranch, one question kept popping up over and over in my head.

Who was I?

I had nothing to offer a woman like Kaylee. She deserved someone who wasn’t broken. And I was as broken as they came.

Chapter Five


The moment I opened the door and saw him, I knew I had made the right decision. Standing before me was a man who looked at me like I was his world. Of course, he had a bit of desire in those eyes; nothing wrong with that. For once I wasn’t being given a scowl, and it made me feel really damn good.

“Channing, you look nice this evening.”

The hot firefighter chief stood in front of me dressed in jeans, a nice button-down dress shirt with a dress jacket over it, and cowboy boots. He wasn’t wearing a cowboy hat, and I had to admit, that made me feel sad. Ty always had his black cowboy hat on. Always.

Channing’s eyes roamed slowly over my body. He had told me to dress casual, so I did my version of it. Jeans. A sweater that hugged my body, and high-heel dress boots.

“You look as beautiful as always,” Channing said once his gaze met mine.

“Are the heels too much?”

“Not at all—we’re going to Taste of Paris for dinner.”

“I love it there!” I replied, grabbing my coat, only to have Channing reach for it and slip it over my shoulders. I wrapped the wool scarf around my neck and smiled.

Manners and good looking. The evening was starting off on a positive note.

“I’ve only been once, with Lincoln when we first moved here. The beef bourguignon was out of this world.”

“It is a great place. I know the owners.”

“Sounds perfect. Plus, I’m starving.”

Channing placed his hand on my lower back and guided me out of the house. I turned and locked the door and took his arm while I navigated down the porch steps and to his . . . sports car?

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