Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,105

hand in mine and lead me over to the large home that sat a few hundred yards away from the cabin. A row of trees separated both houses, giving each property a sense of privacy. The smell of gardenias wafted around me. The scent instantly made me take in a long, deep breath. This was a place to come to completely unwind and relax.

Two dogs, a black Lab and a boxer, came running toward us, their tails going a mile a minute. Ty stopped and reached down to pet them both. I followed his lead. The Lab jumped and spun around, he was so happy.

“Hey, Frog! Louise! Good dogs.”

I laughed. “Did you just call him Frog?”

Ty nodded. “Yeah. When he was a puppy, he used to do this really weird bounce, like a frog. Hence, his name.”

With a gentle rub on the Lab’s belly, I gave him a little pout. “Poor baby, you’ve got a terrible name.”

His tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth, and he didn’t seem to have a care in the world. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ty! Damn, man, it’s good to see you!” A dark-haired guy stepped off the front porch with a strikingly attractive woman by his side. Her chestnut-brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and her hands were resting on a very pregnant stomach. They were a pretty couple, and if I had to guess, I’d go with football star and head cheerleader. They had that look to them.

“Kaylee, I’ve heard so much about you from Ty! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Carol said as she made her way over. She gave me a friendly hug and then stepped back and gave me a once-over. “He said you were beautiful; he didn’t say you were stunningly beautiful.”

I felt my cheeks heat. “Thank you,” I said. I wished I could tell her I’d heard a lot about her, but Ty had literally just mentioned Roy and Carol to me only moments ago.

It was Roy’s turn. He reached out for my hand and shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kaylee. When Ty called me and asked about coming up here, I had to say I was shocked. It’s about damn time he finally met a woman who could put up with his shit.”

I smiled, and then my gaze drifted to meet Ty’s. He winked at me, and I felt my stomach flutter at the idea that Ty had been talking about me to his friends. I looked back at Roy and said, “Thank you so much for letting us stay here. It’s beautiful.”

“Just wait,” Carol said, giving me a saucy smile that said she knew something I didn’t. Then she laced her arm around mine, and we started walking up the steps of their house. “We just got back to Montana. We’ve been in Europe for over a year. So Ty had to fill us in on everything. I was stunned to hear Brock got married and had a baby. To your best friend too! It’s like something out of a romance book.”

“I didn’t mention it, but Kaylee is a book editor,” Ty said from behind us.

Carol stopped walking and faced me. “What kind of books?”

“I do a few different genres, but mostly romance and historical romance.”

“Oh my gosh, you and I just became best friends. We are going to talk nothing but books this weekend. I need a list of all your favorites.”

I laughed. “Okay.”

Ty came up and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me from Carol’s hold. “Sorry to break the news to you, Carol, but she’s mine all weekend.”

Carol pouted, then rubbed her stomach. “Ty, I’m eight months pregnant. Are you really going to steal my new best friend?”

“Yes. Yes, I am, because she’s my best friend.”

My heart hammered in my chest at his words. Ty looked at me with so much love in his eyes that I nearly melted on the spot. It was hard to believe that I’d ever had any sort of happiness before this man, because his smile alone filled my heart with so much joy.

Roy let out a laugh and wrapped his arm around his wife. “Listen, the cabin is stocked with food. You should have everything you need for the weekend. Any problems, just give us a holler.”

“Thanks, Roy,” Ty said.

“I made a lasagna and put it in the refrigerator. You just have to heat it up. There’s also some fresh french bread, right out of the oven Copyright 2016 - 2024