Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,106

this morning.”

“Wow!” I said. “Homemade bread and lasagna. I may never want to leave.” I gave Carol a smile that said thank you.

“If you guys want, tomorrow morning I can make my famous french toast. Just let me know when you wake up.”

“Will do,” Ty said, suddenly taking my hand and leading us back down the steps.

“Okay, well, I guess that’s Ty’s sign he’s finished being sociable,” Roy joked.

“Have fun, you two!” Carol called out.

I looked over my shoulder and said, “Thanks again!” I couldn’t help but giggle. “Why the sudden departure?” I asked.

“I’m ready to kiss you. Touch you. Be inside you.”

A chill ran down my spine in anticipation of all that.

“But first, we’re going on a picnic.”

And just like that, I felt like a little girl again, excited for my first real adventure with a boy. Of course, my first adventure with a boy was his asking to push me on the swings and my thinking I had just scored better than Christmas morning, because the boy who’d asked was also the cutest boy in school. He ended up being the biggest dick in school too. I had a feeling this time things would be much different.

After we grabbed our bags, we headed into the small cabin. It was perfect. The living and kitchen area were one big room. Large plank floors made it all warm and cozy. The furniture was leather, giving the space a slightly rustic feel. Large throw pillows lined the sofa, and I imagined myself curled up with a blanket and a book.

The back of the cabin had large sliding-glass doors that led to a small patio with chairs and a fire ring. The view of the mountains looked like a picture from this spot. When I walked up to the glass doors, I could see a small lake. I smiled as I gazed out at it. The mountains reflected on the water, making it look magical and romantic. Just when you thought you’d seen the prettiest view, Montana yelled, “Surprise, here’s an even better view!”

Ty walked up and wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on my head as he asked, “What’s the smile for?”

“This lake makes me think of one Lincoln and I saw when we first drove up to Montana. We were only a few miles from Hamilton and had gotten out to stretch. I remember feeling so lost on that trip. I was sad that Lincoln was leaving me, and the thought of going back to Atlanta seemed all wrong. The entire drive up here was beautiful, but there was something about that lake and the way the mountains reflected off the water. I had a sense of peace come over me. I knew in that moment that Lincoln was doing what she had to do, and eventually, I’d find my way again.”

“I’m glad your way included a stop with me.”

Turning in his arms, I looked up at him. My finger ran lightly along his jawline as I stared into those sky-blue eyes. “It’s not just a stop. I think you were my destination the entire time.”

Ty’s eyes softened as he leaned down and gently brushed his mouth over mine. “I love you.”

I smiled against his lips. “I love you too.”

After a deep kiss that left my knees wobbly, Ty drew back and looked out the doors, then back to me. “Come on—we’re actually heading to that lake for lunch.”

We quickly placed our bags in the bedroom, and I couldn’t help but stand in the middle of the room and spin in delight. The master bedroom was decorated like something straight out of a romance book, with white lacy fabric and roses placed all over the room. The scent hit me immediately, and I couldn’t help but smile when Ty pulled a single rose out and ran it over my face while he looked at me like he wanted to strip me naked and make love to me. Somehow he managed not to, and we headed over to the lake in his truck with a large picnic basket that had clearly been prepared ahead of time.

I gasped when I stepped out of the truck. The lake was even more beautiful in person. It was the most vibrant color blue.

“The color . . . ,” I whispered.

“I think it’s from the reflection of the sky.”

I nodded. “Are all lakes in Montana this beautiful?”

Ty laughed.

I looked up at the mountains and around at all the trees. Birds sang together in what Copyright 2016 - 2024