Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,104

watching—they don’t need to see that crap.”

“You’re just jealous, Dirk. But someday, someone is going to catch your eye, and you’re going to fall in love,” Kaylee said.

“Hard pass,” Dirk replied, walking by the two of us and going into the house.

“Welcome home, Dirk!” Kaylee called after him. He simply raised a hand and gave a wave.

When she turned back to me, I saw the happiness in those baby-blue eyes of hers.

“Your mama asked me why I was in such a good mood. Am I normally not in a good mood?” Her brows were furrowed, and it was the cutest thing ever.

I chuckled. “Well, even I’ve noticed the smile that seems to be plastered on your face permanently.”

“Lincoln asked me if I was pregnant because there’s an ‘air’ about me.” She raised her hands and put air quotes around the word.

Our hands laced together as we walked back into the house. “Want to tell them?” I asked.

She jumped and faced me. “Can we? Oh my gosh, Ty, it’s killing me not to say something!”

I pulled her to me and leaned down, brushing my lips over hers. When we both needed some air, I barely moved away from her lips and whispered, “I haven’t given you your ring yet.”

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “That’s okay.”

“I was planning on it this weekend.”

“You have it?”

Laughing, I kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Yes, baby. I have it. You okay telling them without the ring?”


“Then let’s do it.”

“Okay. I’ll let you do it when you’re ready, since it’s your family and all.”

“Fair enough,” I said, giving her one more quick kiss.

The second we walked into the dining room, Kaylee let out a squeal of delight.

All eyes turned to us.

“We’re getting married!” she cried out.

My mouth dropped open, and I stared at her. So much for me telling the family.

Lincoln and my mother both jumped out of their seats and rushed Kaylee. Lincoln hugged her first, and then my mama wrapped them both up in her arms.

Brock and my father both stood and made their way over to me. Brock shook my hand, then pulled me in for a quick hug. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you both.”

I slapped the side of Brock’s arm. “Thanks, Brock.”

Then it was my father’s turn. He gave me a wide smile, shook my hand, and also did the quick hug. “You couldn’t have picked a finer woman, son.”

“No doubt about that, Dad.”

Then my eyes landed on Dirk. He grinned, then said, “My chances are getting better and better. Just need to get the last Shaw brother hitched, then all the single women will be mine.”

Morgan let out a little scream of excitement that caused all the women to look over at Dirk.

“Don’t worry, sweet pea, you’ll always be my number one girl,” Dirk said as he tilted Morgan back and expertly gave her a bottle.

A collective chorus of sighs echoed in the room as my mother, Lincoln, and my new fiancée all stared at Dirk and Morgan.

Chapter Thirty


Ty didn’t drive far out of town before we were pulling up to a small cabin that was just a ways down from a larger house. I stepped out of the truck and looked at the Bitterroot Mountains and smiled. The blue sky seemed to give way to the mountain ridge. Random puffs of white clouds dotted the sky, giving it that familiar picturesque look I had come to love so much. It stole my breath, it was so beautiful.

“That’s Blodgett Canyon. You should see it in the fall. It’s beautiful.”

I turned to face Ty. “This whole area is stunning, any time of year.”

Ty’s eyes looked out over the vast land before us as he smiled. “I do love Montana.”

My heartbeat sped up slightly. It was crazy to me how much my life had changed in the last year. Simply because my best friend had decided she needed to move to another state and start fresh. I let out a contented sigh and faced Ty.

“Do you know the owners?”

He nodded. “Yes, I went to high school with Roy and his wife, Carol. They bought this fifty acres right out of college. Roy had the guesthouse built for his family on the East Coast who come out to visit. Sometimes they rent it out as well.”

“It’s beautiful. Not as beautiful as the ranch, but a close second.”

Ty beamed with happiness, then kissed me on the forehead. “Come on, I want to introduce you to them.”

“Okay,” I said, letting Ty slip his Copyright 2016 - 2024