You Know I Need You (You Are Mine #4) - Willow Winters Page 0,52

center seam of the cotton, brushing my throbbing clit and sending sparks of heated pleasure through my body. My body leans forward, my hands gripping onto his corded forearms.

“I will never risk making you unhappy again. I promise,” he says. My head is so dizzy with desire, I can only moan in response.

“Tell me,” he says as he slides his fingers under the thin fabric and runs them along my hot core. He pushes against my clit with just the right amount of pressure then nearly slips into me as he runs his fingers back down. My hands fly up to his chest, gripping onto him for balance as my toes curl and my body begs me to ride his fingers.

“Tell me,” he repeats then stops. My heavy-lidded eyes open, and I pull back to object. “Tell me you still want me.”

“I still want you,” I whisper without hesitation; the words rush out of my lips with need and desperation. Before the last word is even spoken, Evan splays his hand on my lower back and pulls me closer to him, forcing my chest against his.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groans in the crook of my neck as he forces two fingers deep inside of me. I cry out in pleasure, clinging to him as the sensation nearly topples me.

“Evan.” I moan out his name, but he doesn’t answer as the pleasure builds. It’s been so long but I don’t remember it ever being like this.

It’s so intense, so overwhelming that I know I can’t remain standing for this.

“Evan,” I plead for him to understand, but my head flies back and strangled moans fill the air, both from him and from me as I find my release on his fingers.

My body buckles and shakes as the orgasm rocks through me. I’m paralyzed as Evan moves me to the counter. It’s cold and hard, and I lean against it for balance as slow waves mercilessly continue to flow through my body.

“And your shirt?” Evan asks me as if I didn’t just experience the strongest orgasm of my life.

I grip the counter tightly while I catch my breath, staring at him.

“I want it off,” he commands and with my back to his chest, he tugs the shirt off me. My body sways easily, caving to his every whim. “And these,” he tells me, pushing his hand back down my panties. I’m trapped with my back to his front and his strong arm pinning me to him, his other hand on my hip, keeping me still.

My fingers clutch at his wrist and my blunt nails dig into his flesh as he strums my sensitive clit.

“Evan.” His name is a plea as my body falls forward, and I struggle to take more.

He’s not gentle with his strokes in the least. And I love it. My nipples pebble and my body goes weak with a numbing, blinding intensity.

The pleasure stirs deep in my belly, but like a flame it grows hotter and hotter, warming me and threatening just the same.

It’s only when I come again that Evan slowly pulls my panties from me, leaving them by my feet. I’m not blind to the fact that they’re damp with my desire.

Evan moves his hard erection between my thighs and I widen my stance slightly. He kisses my ear as he runs the head of his dick up and down my folds. A shiver runs through my body. Every inch is covered with a heated pleasure so sensitive to touch, that I shudder from just his hot breath on my neck.

“I love you, Kat,” Evan whispers as he pushes himself deep inside of me. Slowly, stretching my walls. My head falls back onto his shoulder as he wraps his arm in front of me, holding me to him. He reaches up and grabs my throat.

Buried deep inside of me, he whispers, “Tell me you love me.”

“Always,” I say and the word slips out easily, my eyes still closed. I slowly open them to see Evan’s expression. I’m struck by the intensity of his gaze. The need, the desire, the possession. “Say the words,” he commands.

“I’ll always love you,” I tell him softly, the words barely audible.

He crushes his lips against mine as he bucks his hips. The sudden spike of near pain makes me push my head back and scratch along his forearm. He doesn’t stop pounding into me, letting the pleasure build.

He pistons his hips relentlessly, each thrust forcing a pleasured groan from me. I try Copyright 2016 - 2024