You Know I Need You (You Are Mine #4) - Willow Winters Page 0,51

fears to him. If only he knew how much it hurt. “I’m afraid every time I cry the baby can feel it. I terrified I’m hurting him already.” As I say the words, tears prick my eyes.

“Him?” Evan asks. “You think we’re having a boy?” The shine in his eyes is of pure devotion. That’s how he breaks me down. By truly loving me.

“Don’t change the subject,” I warn him although it warms my heart and I can’t help but feel it resonate. “I want you, Evan. But I want you here with me, and committed to me and this baby.”

“I know,” he says. “I love you, Kat. I love you with everything in me and I won’t stop proving that to you every day for the rest of our lives.”

Even though he’s saying all the right things and I love it, I have to be honest. “I swear I can’t take it anymore.”

“Never again. I can’t stand not being with you,” he tells me, and my body succumbs to a warmth that’s been there all along, waiting just beneath the surface.

He pulls me into his arms and I let him. Even more, I grip onto his shirt as he wraps his muscular arms around me and I breathe in his scent of fresh forest after rain. This is home. This is what feeling complete feels like. I’m so very aware of everything he said only moments ago. The threats and danger are legitimate, but it all comes with him. I can keep a secret. I’ll do whatever I have to if it means I get to have Evan completely.

My eyes shut tight, willing the unwanted thoughts away as Evan whispers just beneath the shell of my ear, “I want to make it all better.” He’s so close that my hair tickles my neck as it moves gently with his breath.

He says the right words. He’s always been good at that.

He lowers his lips to the sensitive part of my neck. “I only want to love you, and have you love me back.”

My poor heart has barely survived all this time without him, but it rages now, pounding against my rib cage. I suppose it’s only beating still because it hasn’t belonged to me in years. It’s always been his.

I nod my head and look down at his chest, inhaling his scent I’ve missed for so long, feeling his touch I’ve been craving.

“You’re still wearing your jacket,” I comment softly as I run the tips of my fingers down the zipper. I lift my gaze to his dark eyes, swirling with desire. “Take it off.”

I bite my lower lip then take half a step back as he keeps his eyes on mine and slips his jacket down his arms.

“Your shirt,” I say in a breathy voice and in an instant, he tugs it over his head then carelessly drops it to the floor. The fabric puddles at his feet. He closes the space between us as desire spikes in my blood. Like the first night I saw him, knowing he was trouble, yet I can’t resist.

“What now?” Evan asks, moving his pointer finger to the bottom of the cotton T-shirt and slipping it upward, tugging ever so gently until he reaches the peaks of my breasts. He closes his fingers around my nipples with a slight pinch and then tugs. Gasping, I let my head fall back. The sensation is directly linked to my clit and it forces me to part my lips with a soft moan. “What now, baby?”

“Mmm,” I manage, and that’s all I can offer as lust clouds my judgment. I missed this. I missed him. Such a small touch and yet it feels all-consuming.

“How about this?” Evan suggests and then he unbuckles his belt. The sound of his pants being unzipped fills the small kitchen and my body aches to reach out to him.

His pants fall to the floor and he pushes his boxers down with them, stepping out of them and exposing his already hard cock. Every nerve ending in my body lights just seeing him bared to me. Knowing how much pleasure he can and will give to me.

A rough chuckle distracts me from focusing on his erection and I look into his eyes.

“You still want me?” he asks and it’s only then that my cheeks warm with a blush. My body sways slightly. I murmur my answer. “Always.”

Evan runs the same pointer finger along my upper thigh past my panties and traces the Copyright 2016 - 2024