Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,54

fault because the stress brought them on.”

“You ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf?” asks Eva. “When you really go into labour, he won’t believe you. You’ll end up having this baby on the club floor.”

Anna laughs. “I’ve actually been having mild pains all day and I daren’t tell him.”

“You’d better wait until the baby’s head crowns so you can show him it’s for real,” laughs Gia.

We laugh and Riggs glances back over his shoulder. “Something funny, ladies?” he snaps. We fall silent, scared to set him off on a rant again.

Gia stands and takes my hand. “Come on, let’s do this before Riggs gets so drunk that he kills us all.”

I pick up a bottle of water from the table and we head to the door that leads to the basement. Gia groans when we see Blu sitting in front of the door. “What are you doing there?” she snaps.

“Turn around, no one’s getting through here,” he mutters.

“Oh, please. You’re gonna stop me?” she asks with a smirk. She moves to the door and Blu’s hand dashes out, taking her by the wrist and pulling it up her back. I gasp and Gia yells in surprise.

“No one’s getting through here,” he repeats like a robot.

“Relax,” I hiss. “We just wanted to check he was okay.”

“Get your fuckin’ hands off me,” growls Gia. “Nobody manhandles me.” Blu releases her

and sits back on his stool calmly. “Is that how you get your kicks, Blu? Pushing women around?” He ignores her and she glares at him in disbelief.

“Is he okay, Blu?” I ask and he nods his head once.

“Jeez, what is with you? You’re so mechanical. Do you feel anything?” asks Gia coldly.

“It’s fine. Can I leave him this water?” I ask and Blu shakes his head. “He’ll need a drink. Please.”

“Look,” says Gia with a sigh. “I’m sure deep down you’re a nice guy. A little odd, but nice. Riggs isn’t thinking straight. If anything happens to Chains, he’ll regret it. We want to prevent that happening, so be a doll and give him the water.” She runs her tongue over her lower lip and holds out the water for Blu to take. When he doesn’t move, she steps closer and presses it against his chest while resting a manicured hand on his knee.

Blu’s eyes fix on her hand. His nostrils flare, and for a second, his eyes fill with heat, but it’s quickly replaced with anger. He takes her hand and removes it from him. “Don’t touch me,” he growls.

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re weird as fuck,” she mutters. I follow Gia back into the main room. “My god, he’s hot,” she groans.

“You said he’s weird,” I point out.

“He is but also very hot. That broody thing he’s got going on makes me want to fuck him senseless. He’s so big, he could throw me around the bed with ease.” I laugh, shaking my head at her wanton behaviour. If Vinn heard her speak like this, he’d lock her in a tower like Rapunzel.


Being dragged from Leia’s room in the early hours of the morning wasn’t on my to-do list today. My own brothers were following orders from their Pres, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I always wondered what it felt like to be down here like so many men who we tortured and killed. Being alone for hours in the dark gives you time to think of all the shit you ever did wrong and, fuck, have I done some shit.

The smell of blood lingers and I can taste the metallic tinge in my mouth. Riggs used knuckle dusters for the second beating and my ribs feel shattered, but it’s the smell that bothers me the most. I don’t know if it’s my own blood or the blood of hundreds before me soaked into the limestone walls, but the faces of everyone we’ve ever kept down here haunt me.

Light bathes the room as the door opens and I tense. Riggs makes his way into the room, pulling on the cord light. A yellow bulb flickers on and Riggs pulls a stool and sits himself in front of me.

“I’ve never had to put any of my men down here,” he mutters, glancing around the damp room. “You’ll be pleased to know that you’ve had lots of people come try and visit you today, like it’s a fuckin’ hospital stay. I had to put Blu on the door cos he’s the only man I

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