Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,53


I roll my eyes and climb into bed, turning my back to him. If he wants to sit like that the whole night, then he can.

Morning arrives and I stretch out. Last night’s events come back to me and I let out a groan, turning my head in the direction of the wall. Chains isn’t there. He soon got bored of that, I guess.

Downstairs, Anna is pacing. She looks up at me and her smile is forced. “Everything okay?” I ask, nodding at her bump. It was clear she faked her labour last night to save Chains’ ass, but she needn’t have bothered.

“Riggs is in there with Cree. There’s a lot of yelling. I think Cree’s confessed to knowing about you and Chains.”

“Oh,” I mumble. “Where’s Chains?”

She glances at the office door and then presses her lips together. “In the basement.”

“The basement?” I repeat. That’s where Riggs holds his enemies. I shake my head and storm into the office without knocking. Riggs and Cree both turn to face me, and anger mars Riggs’ face. “You put the father of my unborn child in the basement?” My voice gets higher with each word.

“Father of what?” yells Riggs. I realise quickly he hasn’t put two and two together until now.

“Good one, Leia,” groans Cree.

“You fucking knew that too?” growls Riggs.

Cree holds his hands up in defence. “I didn’t know for sure, but I suspected.”

“So, what do you plan to do to him exactly?” I snap.

“That’s not your concern. This is club business,” growls Riggs.

“Listen to yourself,” I hiss. “He’s your friend.”

“He broke the rules, Leia. So did you. I can’t fuckin’ believe all this has been going on. You all kept this shit from me!” He stares from me to Cree accusingly. “What the fuck do we have without trust?”

“You were in a bad place,” says Cree. “I was trying to protect you and the club.”

“You lied. You’ve all been lying for months. I must be losing my touch if my VP can lie like that and not think there’ll be consequences. You’re my eyes and ears,” says Riggs with a look of disappointment. “Did Anna know too?”

“Riggs, it doesn’t matter who knew. They were all protecting you and Chains. You’re part of a brotherhood and nobody wanted that to end,” I explain.

“Anna,” yells Riggs and she appears immediately. “Did you know?” Anna’s eyes dart to me and Riggs lets out a string of curses. “My own fuckin’ woman,” he utters. “All of you, get out.”

“Riggs—” I begin, but he cuts me off with a glare so cold I back out of the office as he yells at us all to get the hell out.

“Great,” snaps Cree.

“We have to get Chains out of the basement,” I say, marching towards the door.

“Are you kidding right now? Riggs is pissed enough without you doing some stupid shit like that,” argues Cree.

“I can’t leave him there to be hurt,” I cry.

“When Riggs has calmed down, I’m sure he’ll come to his senses,” offers Anna.

“When Riggs realises that you faked your labour last night to save Chains, he’ll lose his mind again,” says Cree, and Anna sticks her tongue out behind his back.

“It went off as we arrived at the hospital, false alarm,” she says and Cree scowls.

“You lied. He’s not stupid. He’ll work that out,” snaps Cree.

“Anna, get back in here,” yells Riggs and Cree smirks.

“That didn’t take him long,” he says and grins.

The mood around the club is solemn. Everyone is staying out of Riggs’ way, which is a task in itself when we’re on lockdown with more bikers around than any other time. He’s pretty much ignoring everyone, including me.

“He hasn’t moved for some time. Is he alive?” Gia whispers, referring to Riggs, whose back is to us as he sits at the bar drowning his sorrows with alcohol.

“I’m pretty sure he’s talking to himself,” says Eva. “His mouth keeps moving.”

“He does that when he’s mad,” I say. “Chunters to himself about how life is a pile of shit. Sad really.”

“Should we at least take Chains some water? He's been down there hours and you said he was drunk last night. I bet his mouth is dry. Hangovers always need water,” says Gia.

“If you get caught, it’ll make everything worse,” says Anna.

“What did he say about the false labour pains?” I ask. “Good acting, by the way.”

Anna smirks and takes a small bow. “He lost his mind, but I refused to admit to it. He can’t prove it. I said it was his

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