Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,43

it.” I rush off to start my shift. I need to occupy my mind and take my own advice. I’m a strong, independent woman. I don’t need Chains. I don’t need any man.

“Leia.” The ward sister smiles. “You’re on the high dependency ward today. They’re short. Is that okay?”

My step falters. That’s where Raven is currently staying. “Really?” I ask. “Isn’t there anyone else?”

“Of course, but the ward sister told me you’re always down there and everyone else is scared of that huge biker in room three. She asked for you.” I groan and turn back around. Just what I needed.

I read through Raven’s notes—raped, broken leg, shattered pelvis, to name just a few of her injuries.

“Leia, I need you,” says the ward sister.

I stand and gel my hands. “Sure, where do ya want me?”

“The police are here to talk with the girl in room three. Thing is, that friend of yours, he’s not very welcoming when it comes to the cops. He refused to let them in earlier and they really need to talk to her. Any chance you could occupy him?”

“I can’t lie to him. I’ll tell him straight.”

I breeze into the room, ignoring the way Chains is stroking her hand. How can I be jealous after everything this poor woman’s been through? “I just need to do some checks,” I say with a smile. “I’ll be your nurse for the next eight hours.” I take the clipboard from the end of her bed and write the time in. “How are you feeling today?” I ask.

“How do you think she’s feeling?” snaps Chains.

“Baby,” whispers Raven, gently stroking his face. “Be nice.”

“It’s a stupid question,” he grumbles.

I ignore him and smile at Raven. “Any headaches, nausea?”

“No. I feel much better than last night when I first woke. My head feels clearer.”

I smile and write that in the notes. I do her observations in silence, but I feel his eyes on me the entire time. “Everything looks good considering,” I say, hanging the clipboard back in place. “The police need to talk with you.”

“I already told them no,” snaps Chains. “She’s just woken up.”

“It’s best to get it out the way. They’ll only keep returning,” I say.

“She’s right, Chains,” Raven says.

“I said no!” he snaps.

“It’s not your call,” I say firmly, finally bringing my eyes to him. “I’ll send them in.”

“Are you fuckin’ stupid? I just told you no!” he yells. He marches towards me and I square my shoulders.

“Sit back down or I will have you removed from this ward,” I say through gritted teeth.

“You and whose army?” He smirks.

“Do I need to call Riggs?” I ask and he scowls. I’ve given the game away and he looks pissed as hell. “I have an army, if that's how you want this to play out.”

“Leia,” he growls in warning.

“Leia?” repeats Raven. “The Leia?”

“I’ll send the cops in,” I say, leaving.

I make it two steps from the door before I’m hauled off my feet and pulled into an empty room next to Raven’s. He presses me against the wall and I feel his hot breath against my ear. “You think you’re clever?” he growls.

“Get over yourself, Chains.”

“Why you? Why are you her nurse?” he snaps.

“You wanna choose a nurse, then pay for private care, asshole,” I snap, trying to push back against him to free myself.

He laughs at my attempts and holds me steady. “Don’t fight me, Leia.”

“You scared how your body will react if I do?” I smirk, pushing back against him again. He hisses and I smile to myself. Asshole.

His hand moves under my baggy jumper and I panic, struggling to push him away. His hand stops on my stomach and I feel him tense. He spins me to face him and rips my jumper up, exposing my tiny bump. He looks from my bump to my face and then back again, his hand resting against it.

The door crashes open and three security guards bustle in. “Are you okay?” asks one.

I nod, unable to get my words together. “Yes,” I eventually mutter.

“Get out,” growls Chains.

“I’m good. You can leave,” I say quickly before Chains loses it with these poor guys.

“We’ll be right outside if you need us,” they say, retreating.

Chains stares into my eyes for a silent minute. “You’re pregnant,” he eventually whispers. I nod. “How far?”

“I have to go, Chains. You should be with Raven.” I squeeze my way from under him and get as far as the door before he’s wrapped around me again, his face buried

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