Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,42

I care for in the same room. All these months apart and I still love Leia. “Thanks,” I mutter, taking it from her.

“Leave it to cool. I have a surprise,” she whispers, taking my hand. I stare at her fingers entwined with mine. She touches me like it’s the most natural thing in the world, even after everything I did to her. I let her lead me from the room and down a flight of stairs. She glances around the corridor before opening a door with her nurse’s badge and leading me in. We’re in a bedroom. “I only have ten minutes and I have to get back,” she whispers, and I frown. What the hell is she thinking? When she sees my expression, she giggles and passes me a white towel. “The shower is through there.” She points to a door and I smile gratefully. “There’s some clothes in there too. I had Cree bring them over from the clubhouse.”

I go into the bathroom and leave the door open slightly so I can hear her. “Why aren’t you and Riggs talking?”

“A difference of opinion,” she says.

“Where are you staying?”

“At Eva’s old place. It’s ideal because the room was already set up for Malia,” she explains.

“Anna’s with you?” I ask.

“Yeah, Riggs managed to upset her too.”

“He never said,” I mutter, feeling isolated again.

“He probably doesn’t want to worry you with your ol’ lady being in here.”

“She isn’t my ol’ lady,” I correct her and then feel that guilt creep in again. “It’s not like that between us.”

“Well, whatever. He just didn’t want to bother you.”

I dress quickly and step out of the bathroom. “Couldn’t they get a jumper to fit you?” I joke. She looks down at the baggy jumper and smiles, shrugging her shoulders.

Chapter Twelve


I sit at the top of the stairs listening to Riggs beg Anna back. She’s strong, refusing to go back and pretend to be happy any longer. “You might put on a smile, but I know you’re unhappy,” she says. “You hardly look at me. I don’t remember the last time you touched me.”

“That's ridiculous. I’ve had shit to deal with,” he snaps defensively.

“Alright,” she says. “Touch me.”

Riggs laughs, but it’s uncomfortable. “What?”

“You heard. Take me to bed now and fuck me. Touch me. Kiss me.”

“You're acting crazy,” he mutters.

“You can’t. I repulse you. Just be honest.”

“I love you. You’re mine. I don’t wanna hurt the baby. That’s why I haven’t touched you,” he says.

“Bullshit. Get out, Riggs. You’re wasting my time.”

“Anna, stop this now. You belong with me, not here renting your friend’s house with my pregnant sister.”

“When you prove to me that you love me, that you want me around, that's when I’ll come home.”

“You realize there’s some crazy fucker still on the loose. You’re not safe here.”

“I’ll take my chances.” She sighs and I hear his low growl before the front door opens and then slams closed.

I go down to Anna. “That was intense.”

“Everything is intense when it comes to your brother. I miss how we were in the beginning.” She sighs. “I know I shouldn’t say it, but keeping this baby was—”

“Don’t,” I warn. “Don’t finish those words. We all have regrets, but this can’t be one of them. We’re strong, independent women. We got this.”

Anna smiles weakly. “I guess. I just didn’t imagine doing this alone again.”

“You’re not alone. You have me, Eva, Gia, and my mum.”

I get to work earlier than when my shift starts, so I grab a coffee for Chains, which is becoming a habit. I knock lightly on the door and stick my head in, pausing when I see Raven sitting up awake and Chains inches from her face, whispering to her. They both look at me. “You’re awake,” I murmur and she smiles. I see why Chains likes her—she’s gorgeous.

“A nurse already did her vitals,” says Chains coldly.

My mouth opens and closes a few times. I’m not sure what to say, so I back out of the room. The door opens shortly after and Chains steps out, closing it gently behind him. “I don’t want her upsetting,” he says bluntly.

“Of course. I just thought you’d need coffee. I’m sorry to intrude. I . . . ” I close my lips and press them together. I’m babbling. How does he still have the ability to hurt me after all this time? “I’ll go.”

“I’ve gotta look after her. She’s my responsibility,” he explains.

I wave my hand in the air and fake a smile. “Of course. I get

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