Worth It - Lisa Oliver Page 0,81

“He looks like you,” he said, taking in the dark smudges of hair and full lips.

“He looks like a baby, all squished up and podgy looking.” Paulie yawned. “I’m so glad you’re here. Are you going to be okay holding him, while I go and get a bottle, clothes, and organize his bed?”

“I have one word for you, sweetness. Powers.” Zeus dropped a kiss on Paulie’s hair. “I think you need to sleep.”

“I have been sleeping,” Paulie protested through another yawn. “You’re the one who’s been out most of the night.”

“I didn’t just give birth.” Zeus blinked and replaced the torn covers. “Snuggle up in our den, sweetie. Baby and I will be right here.”

“I wanted to greet the dawn. It’s the first day of the New Year.” Paulie fell back and Zeus used his now free arm to cover his mate with a blanket. Glancing at the dark sky, Zeus estimated they had about two hours before the dawn started to break. Taking care not to joggle his son, Zeus lay on his side, facing his now sleeping mate. “You are precious to me,” he said softly, stroking back a lock of hair from Paulie’s cheek. “And you are too, my darling son.” He did the same to the sleeping infant, before closing his eyes. Thor had been most emphatic about parents napping when they could.

The sky was still dark when Zeus woke up to an empty bed. Jumping up, he clicked up clean clothes, and hurried out to the balcony, knowing that is where Paulie and the baby would be. He grinned at the scene he walked into. Paulie was really coming into his powers.

A double rocking chair now graced the balcony, positioned just right to see the new rays of the sun. A fire was crackling madly in the outside fireplace, almost covering the sound of slurping coming from their son. “He’s a good eater.” Paulie looked up and smiled as Zeus came closer.

“Is there room on there for me?” Zeus already knew that there was, and he slid into the vacant space, draping his arm over Paulie’s shoulder automatically. “Did you get any sleep? I didn’t hear our son wake up.”

“My tiger woke me.” Paulie checked the level of the bottle. “This little one was wide awake, just staring at us. I thought he’d cry because he had to be hungry, but he hasn’t yet.”

“He will.” Zeus looked over at the pale pink glow tinging the darkness of the night sky. “It’s almost time. Are you ready to name our little one?”

“I wanted to wait until, you know…” Paulie nodded his head at the sky. “I don’t know why. There’s no reason for it, it just felt right.” The bottle near finished, Paulie slid it from their son’s mouth, handing it to Zeus before moving the child up onto his shoulder. “I can feel him coming. I’ve never felt him before.”

“Anpao? I’m not surprised. He’d have felt the vibrations of the new birth through the cosmos and will be curious.” Setting the bottle on the ground, Zeus stood, helping Paulie to get up. Moving over to stand by the balcony, Zeus made sure he kept a tight hold on his mate. Since moving into the ranch, he’d often suggested they make a point of getting up early to greet the sunrise together, but Paulie had always shaken his head and said he wasn’t ready.

But today was the start of a new year, and a new life for Zeus and his new family. You’d better fucking acknowledge him, he thought fiercely.

Pinks and purples pushed at the dark sky over the mountain range, turning the edges gray. Zeus tensed as the first licks of gold tinged the top of the snow-covered peaks. Once the sun arrived, the dawn would be gone, chasing the night for another day.

Just as he thought Paulie wasn’t going to say anything, his mate took their son, and held him up to the sky. “Anpao,” he called out loudly. “I am Paulie, your son, standing before you with my mate Zeus, father of the ancient Greek gods. We present to you your grandson – Egan Enapay Sthenios. Will you acknowledge us and give us your blessing?”

For a moment, it was as if the whole world stood still, and Zeus resisted the urge to curse. If you ignore him after Paulie’s been so brave… But his threats weren’t necessary. The entire skyline exploded in shades of pinks, purples, and blues, and as Zeus and Paulie

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