A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,68

flexibility. Get your honing pouch and I will show you how to keep it sharp."

Norlan instructed Jake on the proper way to sharpen his sword and dagger, having him practice until he was satisfied. He had Jake take off his breastplate to demonstrate how to maintain his armor. Time slipped away while they were working. Jake was surprised when Cherise came out the back door to tell them that dinner was ready, her eyes going wide when she saw Jake's armor and sword. Jake started to put his breastplate back on, but Norlan stopped him. "Go put it away in your room, lad. I see the meal as simply a stop on the way to the baths." He gave Jake a wink and herded Cherise back inside.

Jake took his equipment to his room, stacking it neatly next to the wall. He went to put away his extra pants and vest and found new clothes folded neatly in the dresser. He grabbed the soap and water pitcher, went into the yard to wash his hands, then headed into the house.

After Norlan said his prayer and they started eating, Jake mentioned the new clothes he found. Madalin replied. "You need more than one set of clothes. I picked up those clothes while I was at the market."

"Thank you, Madalin." Jake said as he pulled out his money pouch. "Dominic gave me some money. How much did the clothes cost?"

"Don't be silly, Jake." She replied, waving away his offer. "Save your coins for something else."

"But, you have done too much already." Jake protested. "You've given me a place to stay and feed me. The least I can do is pay for my clothes."

"It is our pleasure to help you, Jake." Norlan interjected, sharing a glance with his wife. "If you feel some obligation, just remember that you'll be working with me in the mornings, so you are earning your way."

Jake could see that they were not going to accept any money and let the matter drop. Cherise took advantage of the sudden silence and spoke up.

"Jake, do you have your…what did you call it… ahh, 'phone'?" She asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. "I'm sure Mother and Father would like to see the image that you took."

"Sure." Jake said, putting his coin pouch back and retrieving his phone. He powered it on and selected his photos. The family gathered around him, Norlan and Madalin fascinated with the pictures Jake showed them. He showed them pictures of his friends and family back home, telling them stories of some of the situations in which he, Sean and Matt somehow found themselves. Cherise was caught up by the stories and pictures, her eyes shining with delight, her parents chuckling good-naturedly.

However, when the family picture of him standing with his parents and siblings, all close together and smiling, during the last camping trip appeared, his throat caught, homesickness suddenly welling up. Steadying himself, he explained his need to conserve the limited battery power and shut off his phone. Glancing at Madalin, he sensed that she understood his true reason, sympathy reflected in her eyes.

The thought of his family and home continued to resurface in his mind as he watched the playful interaction between Cherise and her parents as they ate. Norlan and Madalin made sure to include Jake, clearly wanting him to feel part of their family. While he appreciated their efforts, that only seemed to cause his emotional tension to increase.

After he helped clear the table and wash the dishes, Jake's emotions were roiling, a growing feeling that he may explode, so he said good night and went back out to his room. As he was changing into his robe, he saw that his sandals had been placed back under his bed, probably by Cherise, and grabbed them. He took a towel and headed behind the storage shed to find the bathing area.

Jake found a small wooden enclosure, floored with tile and open to the sky. Inside was a large tub of water, with a small bucket hanging from the wall, next to a small container of soap. Clearly, this was a manual shower process using the bucket, like he had used on one of his family's camping trips. He entered, undressed and grabbed the bucket and dumped some water over his head. The water was cool, but not cold, so he found the bucket shower quite pleasant.

After he finished bathing, he returned to his room and put on some fresh clothes. He sat down

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