A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,67

and headed out across the courtyard. There were more people traveling through the courtyard than when he went to the training grounds. He made his way through the late afternoon hustle and bustle, taking in the sights and sounds.

In the twenty minutes it took to reach Norlan's house, the novelty of the breastplate had worn off. Jake found himself sweating heavily in the late afternoon sun, the breastplate digging uncomfortably into his shoulders. He could also feel several blisters developing on his feet were the boots pressed in. He sighed gratefully when he saw the wall to Norlan's house.

He went to the side gate and entered into the yard. He saw Madalin kneeling next to the plants on the side of the house, pulling weeds. She turned when she heard him enter, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of him in armor, her face taking on a disapproving look.

"What is this?" She said, sounding irritated.

"I'm supposed to train with Dominic in the afternoons." Jake replied. "I'll work with Norlan in the morning at the smithy, then meet Dominic at the training grounds." He told her about all of the events of the day, including Dominic's training requirements.

"I will have to talk to Norlan about that." She muttered, shaking her head. Her face relaxed and a smile appeared. "Why don't you go place your equipment in your room? It will be another hour or so before the evening meal."

"Actually, I wouldn't mind going to the baths." He replied, thinking of Dominic's conditions. "I got a little sweatier than expected. Could you draw me a map so I can get there?"

"We didn't have a chance to talk about it last night, but we have a little bathing area behind the storage building." She replied pointing back towards Jake's room. "I placed a couple of towels and some soap in your room. You can't lie about in a pool of water, but it will save you additional walking."

"Oh, I didn't realize that." Jake said, seeing a good excuse to take the armor off gone. He thought about it. "I guess I'll wait until after dinner since I'm supposed to wear my armor and sword until I go to bed."

"You can take that off now, Jake." Madalin said, irritation returning to her voice. "I will have Norlan talk to Dominic. You do not need to wear that while you are here at home. In fact, I will make sure that..." She stopped when she saw Norlan coming up the street towards the gate.

Norlan walked into the yard, greeting Jake and his wife. Madalin immediately brought up Jake's training plan and his armor and weapons. While Jake stood there uncomfortably, she demanded that Norlan speak with Dominic to change his conditions.

Norlan raised his hands in a placating manner. "My love, you have to realize that Jake is now Dominic's apprentice." His face hardened slightly. "I would not tolerate anyone demanding that I change the way I train my apprentices, so I will not demand it of another master." Seeing the unhappy look on his wife's face, he added. "We will abide with his conditions, but I will ask if he is willing to modify the terms regarding home."

Madalin did not respond, but it was clear that she was not satisfied with her husband's answer. "We will eat in an hour or so." She said shortly, turning back to her plants. Norlan motioned Jake to move towards his room.

When they reached the patio area, Norlan had Jake sit down on one of the benches, asking him to recount what he did after he left the smithy. After Jake told him what happened, Norlan mused over it for a moment. "Dominic knows what he is about; I could not ask for a better instructor if you have to train for combat." He looked at Jake. "I also know my wife. Madalin is upset because she is concerned for you. The thought that you, at your age, may have to fight or kill disturbs her greatly. I cannot say I'm happy about it either, but I trust Jonas and Dominic."

Norlan changed subjects. "Let me see your sword." Jake drew his sword and handed it to Norlan. He looked it over closely and tapped the blade with his ring, listening to the sound. He carefully grabbed the blade, his strong arms bending the steel slightly, testing its strength. Satisfied, he handed it back to Jake. "That is a good sword; it has the right amount of strength and

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