A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,58

health, Jake." She said, straightening and regaining her composure. She went over to the other bench and sat down, Cherise coming to sit next to her. Maxis walked over and lay down at their feet. "Master Jonas sent me to see how you are doing and if you need anything. What are your plans for the day?"

Cherise piped up. "I was going to show Jake the neighborhood while Mother is at the market."

Hailyn gave her a smile. "That is very nice of you, Cherise. Do you mind if I join you?"

"No. That would be great!" Cherise exclaimed, excited by the prospect.

Hailyn looked back over at Jake, taking in his clothing and sandals. "Master Jonas wanted me to take Jake to the cobbler to see if we can find him some boots. It may get a little cold at night for sandals."

"Umm…I don't have any money for shoes." Jake said, a little embarrassed that he had not thought about how he was going to pay for things here.

Hailyn patted a small pouch on her belt. "Don't worry, Jake. Master Jonas gave me some gold to make sure you have what you need."

"I appreciate that, but I don't know how I will be able to pay it back." Jake replied.

"There is no need to pay it back. It is a gift, not a loan." Hailyn said reassuringly. She gave Maxis a quick pat on the head and stood up, Cherise joining her. "Shall we go?"

"Let me get Maxis' leash." Cherise said, as the dog rose with them. She looked over at Jake, seeing his surprise about the dog coming with them, and explained. "He usually goes with me on walks and is well behaved. Most people around here know that he is just a big baby, but his size scares some, so Father said he has to be on a leash if he leaves the yard."

Cherise led Maxis over to the side yard to get his leash as Jake stood and gave a little stretch. Hailyn stepped closer and said quietly. "Maxis has been Cherise's closest companion since her best friend, Else, left last year to work on her family's farm in the north. Those two were as close as sisters, always running about. I think Cherise was heartbroken by that and has been hesitant to get close to anyone else her age. Hopefully, when she gets her apprenticeship, she will make some new friends."

Cherise rejoined them, Maxis next to her on a leash, tail wagging happily. They left through the front gate onto the main road. Following Cherise, the little group turned right on the street and made their way down the tree-lined pavement towards a cluster of tall wooden buildings built on both sides of the road. They passed by the neighboring homes, some of the people in the yards calling out to Cherise, who gave them a wave in return. They made their way along with other pedestrians, walking in both directions on the street, many of them respectfully greeting Hailyn with small bows and some eyeing the dog nervously. As they got closer to the buildings, Jake could see that there were a few shops, buzzing with activity, as well as what looked like taverns and restaurants.

Cherise led them over to the closest building, where Jake saw shoes and boots displayed in the front window of the first shop. She stopped next to the building and said to Hailyn. "I will wait out here with Maxis if you want to take Jake in to see Cobbler Jendering, Hailyn."

"Thank you, Cherise. We shouldn't be long." Hailyn replied. She motioned to Jake to follow her as she headed into the store.

As Jake entered the store, he immediately noticed the strong odor of leather. The store had an open showroom near the door, with a long desk, several chairs next to it, which stretched across the room near the back. There was an opening in the middle of the desk that had a flip top across the top of the counter. Behind the desk were a series of shelves, with a door near the right corner to go into the back of the shop. As with the short wooden tables spread out in the showroom, the shelves were stacked with various styles of boots and shoes, in different colors, much like a shoe store back home.

Behind the desk was a younger man, maybe in his early thirties, rail-thin with a shock of dusty blond hair and blue eyes, a short blond

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