A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,57

said as she stood in front of him.

Jake opened his eyes and instantly froze, his heart seeming to stop. Standing directly in front of him, only a foot or so away, was the biggest dog he had ever seen. The dog's shoulder would reach above his waist if he was standing, but its head was eye level with him as he sat. Its head was large and round like a mastiff, with large eyes, floppy ears and a large bear-like mussel. It was heavily muscled, with large paws and a broad chest; Jake estimated that it had to weigh close to two hundred pounds. It was colored with a random pattern of blacks, browns and tans, with a short tail.

As Jake stared at it, paralyzed by fear, the dog pulled back its lips and gave a low rumbling growl, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth, the canines at least two inches long. Jake was sure he was about to die when Cherise gave the dog a light rap on the head. "Stop that, Maxis. Jake is a friend." The growling stopped and the dog sat back on its haunches, tail wagging. Jake started breathing again.

Cherise rubbed its head, satisfied. She turned to Jake. "He is really a big baby, once you get to know him. Hold out your hand, so Maxis can get to know you and remember your scent."

Remembering those teeth, it took a moment for Jake to summon the courage to slowly extend his hand towards the dog. Maxis watched Jake, then leaned in to sniff his hand. Jake waited anxiously, praying that his hand was coming back. The dog gave his hand a lick, then stood and came forward. He sniffed Jake once more, then licked his face. Jake cautiously patted the dog, which suddenly sat down and laid its head in Jake's lap. Jake scratched behind its ears, the dog obviously enjoying it as its tail thumped the ground.

"See, I told you." Cherise said, smiling widely, sitting down next to Jake, petting Maxis.

"Hello, Jake. Hello, Cherise." A female voice came from the gate. Jake looked over and saw Hailyn coming into the yard. Maxis heard the voice as well and charged over to Hailyn. Jake was sure that she was going to get flattened, Maxis being twice her weight, but the dog stopped in front of her and she wrapped her arms around him, cooing at him.

Cherise also got up and ran over to Hailyn, wrapping her in a hug when she released Maxis. They smiled and talked softly as they walked, arm-in-arm, back over to Jake, Maxis right behind them, tail wagging happily.


"How are you doing today, Jake?" Hailyn asked, a smile on her face as she got close, her white robes rustling softly as she moved. Her eyes, those unusual brown eyes with golden flakes, studied his face. "You look rested."

"I'm fine, thanks to you." Jake said, giving Hailyn a smile and nod. With the sun kissing her tanned face, her hair shining in the light, he found her to be more attractive than he had last night. Surprised by that thought, he changed his focus and pointed at the two girls. "You know each other, I take it?"

"Yes. Cherise was in my class last year." Hailyn replied, patting Cherise's hand. "She is a very talented painter." Cherise blushed at the compliment, smiling with joy at the praise.

Hailyn disentangled her arm from Cherise and came over to Jake. Her form began shining with a golden glow as she embraced her power. "If you don't mind, I would like to examine you again." She asked. After Jake nodded, she reached out and took his face into her hands, her eyes closing.

Jake sat patiently, enjoying Hailyn's warm hands gently touching him, the hint of her perfume filling his nostrils as she leaned closer towards him. He was staring at her face, thinking about her full lips, when he felt the warmth of her power radiate from her hands down into his body. The warmth spread until he could feel it throughout his body. It lasted for only a moment, disappearing as the glow faded from Hailyn, her eyes opening.

She smiled shyly as Jake, returning her smile, stared into her eyes. Looking back at him, she thought that he had pretty eyes. Flushing slightly, uncomfortably aware of Cherise's presence next to her, she realized that she was still touching his face. She hurriedly brought her hands down and stepped back.

"You appear to be in perfect

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