A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,5

parking lot to meet Sean. Despite all of the other students around him, he felt alone and vulnerable. Even though he hated to admit it, having Sean around would make him feel better.

"Jake!" Tina's voice came from behind him.

He stopped and turned as Tina came up to him, smiling. His mind flashed back to the two of them, intertwined, making out in the spare bedroom at Matt's house. Remembering the feel of her body against his, he started to blush.

She stopped uncomfortably close, just a few inches from him, the scent of her perfume making him blush further. She lifted up on her toes, her left hand reaching out and resting on his right shoulder and leaned in, her hair brushing the side of his face as she whispered in his ear. "You need to be careful. Everyone is saying that Donald and his goons are looking for you."

She giggled suddenly, stepping back, her eyes twinkling. "You have a bit of time, though. I passed by Sabrina's locker and she was giving him hell. He didn't look too happy." Her smile turned mischievous. "Of course, if you had not just used me, then left me, none of this would be happening."

"Tina...I…ah." Jake stammered, face burning.

"It's ok, I forgive you." She paused, her face tilting to the side, taking on a mooning look, hands clasping in front of her breasts, her eyelashes fluttering at him. "Do you still love me?"

The question, though meant in jest, caught Jake off guard. Before he could respond, Tina broke out in laughter at the look that crossed on his face. Giggling, she came back, grabbed his head with both hands and kissed him quickly on the lips, stunning Jake more. She stepped back, staring into his eyes, hands lightly resting on his face.

"See what you are missing?" She said quietly, grinning, eyes still sparkling. They stood like that until they heard someone shout out "Get a room!" Tina stepped back, her left hand reaching out to softly hold his right, her smile fading into a serious look. "You should get going before Sabrina finishes with Donald." A slight blush rose in her face. "Do you need a ride home?" She asked hesitantly.

"No…Sean is giving me a ride home. In fact, he is waiting for me right now."

"Oh well, your loss. I would have been more fun company." She said naughtily, smile returning. "Why don't you call me later? If he doesn't listen to Sabrina, maybe we can think of something to get him off your back."

"Ok." Jake said, surprised by the offer. "Thanks, Tina." Tina gave his hand a squeeze and headed off.

He was almost to the parking lot when his phone in his front pocket vibrated against his leg. He pulled it out to see a text from Sean, saying that his mom called and he had left to go pick her up. Sean asked if Jake wanted to hang at Sonny's for twenty minutes or so and he'd come get him. Sonny's was the gas station and snack shack just down the street. It also happened to be located next to a sheriff's substation.

Jake thought about it for a minute. It was probably too late to catch up with Tina. That would also increase the risk of running into Donald or his pals. Jake replied to Sean. "No. I'll just head home. It will be ok. I'll keep on the lookout."

Jake slid his phone back into his pocket and circled around to head out of the other side of the school. It was closer to his home and he could take some neighborhood streets for a half a mile or so. Unless Donald caught up with him in the next couple of minutes, Jake should be able to avoid a confrontation. He moved quickly, keeping to the edges of the buildings and watching for Donald, John or Robert.

He paused at the last building, making sure the coast was clear, and then jogged across the open grassy area between the gym and Anderson Boulevard, the main street to the east of the school. He stopped under one of the trees lining the street and looked around. He saw no sign of Donald or his friends. Jake sprinted across the street and entered the tree-lined streets of the Classics neighborhood. The area was named that for the older, more ornate homes with big front yards and large mature trees. The streets were wider than the newer neighborhoods, with more cars parked along the street. Jake

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