A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,4

the right amount of curves. Her face, framed by her shoulder-length blond hair, was smooth and flawless, with just a hint of a tan. She had classic features, with her round eyes, slender nose and medium lips. Her eyes were a rich deep blue that Jake could just sit and stare into, losing himself. When she smiled, her white teeth catching the light, she seemed the most beautiful person ever created to Jake. As he watched her approach, he wished he could find some way to get her away from Donald.

Tina's exasperated sigh brought Jake back from his thoughts and he sat down. He glanced at Matt, who nodded at Sabina and smiled, a mischievous look in his eyes. Jake shook his head no, but he could tell that Matt was going to say something regardless.

To his surprise, Sabrina came right up to his table. She nodded at Tina in greeting and looked at Jake. "I heard about what happened at lunch. I'm so sorry about that." She reached out and put her hand on Jake's. The contact was electric; he marveled at the warmth and silkiness of her skin. "I'm going to talk with Donald about this. It won't happen again." She gave him a small smile.

"Your concern is so touching, Sabrina." Matt interjected sarcastically, smirking. "First, you break poor Jake's heart by scorning his invitation to prom and then your boyfriend almost breaks everything else. How did Donald find out anyway? A little bird?"

"You're an ass, Matt." Sabrina said sharply, frown returning while Matt chuckled at the insult.

She turned back to Jake, face serious. "I didn't tell Donald about you asking me to prom, Jake. I made the mistake of mentioning it to Shelly in passing this morning and she sent someone else a text, which was forwarded and, soon enough, Donald heard about it. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, Sabrina. Water under the bridge." Jake replied, smiling, savoring the feel of Sabrina's hand on his and the slight hint of her perfume. "It's not a big deal. No one got hurt." She smiled back.

"Thanks, Jake. I'll talk with Donald, though." She gave his hand a quick pat and moved towards her seat. Jake, smitten and enthralled, followed her with his eyes, remembering the feel of her hand and enjoying the way she moved.

"Gee, Jake, you act as if you have never seen a girl before." Tina said, interrupting Jake's thoughts. Jake turned towards her, startled to see what looked like an angry expression on Tina's face. Before he could comment, the look passed and Tina smiled sweetly. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it is impolite to stare? Especially when there are other girls present."

"So you say!" Matt said, a big smile on his face. "Only a dead man wouldn't stare at that. You have to admit, Tina, that Sabrina does have a great body. It's not hard to see why ole Jake is so gaga for her."

Jake sighed quietly as Matt and Tina continued to banter, his eyes drifting back over to Sabrina. His thoughts wandered as he wistfully studied her. How could he get her to see that Donald was bad news and he was the better choice? What was he going to do about Donald? Why did Tina look angry?

His thoughts continued to roil in his head as the teacher came in and class began. Despite his questions, one thing he hoped for was that he would get out of today without any more drama.


The bell sounding the end of sixth period and the school day shook Jake out of his daydream of him and Sabrina together, Donald having been pushed out of the picture. His civics teacher had been droning on about the federalism and Jake's mind had wandered, remembering Sabrina's touch earlier, her perfume still on his hand.

He cleared off his desk, gathered his things, shoved them in his backpack and headed out the door. He was still in a slightly absent-minded state, remembering the pleasures of his daydream, as he entered the press of other students in the hallway. He had taken a few steps when he noticed some of the other students watching him and then looking around.

"Crap!" He thought. "They're looking to see if Donald is around." He shook off the effects of the daydream and began subtly glancing around for Donald. He tried to stay cool, nodding and briefly chatting with some of his classmates, as he dropped off his backpack in his locker and headed to the student

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