A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,49

always in the sun. He saw Jake's look and gave him a smile and a wink. He had an open and friendly demeanor about him that Jake instantly liked.

The men walked up to where Dominic and Jake stood, stopping on the other side of Dominic. They both made a bow to the king.

"My thanks for coming, Bother Jonas." The king said, nodding his head. He looked at the other man. "Your presence is a pleasant surprise, Mastersmith."

"It is always my honor to serve you, Your Majesty." Jonas replied for them. "Norlan is here at my request, if you will pardon the presumption." The king gave a small wave of his hand as if to say "It is nothing." "I have asked him to house Jake with his family while he is a guest with us. If you do not object, of course."

"I have no objections, Brother Jonas. That sounds like an excellent idea." He gestured to Norlan. "My thanks, Mastersmith Norlan, for opening up your home. If you need any assistance in providing this care, please send a message to the palace."

"Thank you, Majesty, for such a kind offer." Norlan replied with a bow and a smile. "However, I'm confident my wife will make sure we can manage."

The king chuckled. "Wives are good for keeping us managed." The court laughed with the king, who glanced over at the empty chair next to him, smile slowly fading.

Jonas spoke up. "If I may approach, Majesty, I can tell you my reasons for supporting Dominic's assertion that we should discuss this in private." The king motioned him forward and Jonas climbed the stairs to kneel down next to the king, heads close, talking quietly.

As Jonas and the king talked, the people in the hall started shifting around, talking with each other, voices murmuring. Jake stood there, watching the crowd, next to Dominic, who was leaning over and talking to Norlan. They were speaking quietly, so Jake could not make out everything they were saying.

As Jake turned back towards the throne, he was shocked to find the princess walking towards him. She gave him a smile as she approached. Dominic caught her approach out of the corner of his eye and turned back towards Jake, his eyes trying to determine her intent.

Jake felt decidedly awkward when she stopped in front of him. He could only look into her gorgeous green eyes, his tongue tied up in knots.

"Hello, Jake. My name is Keria." She said sweetly, smiling the whole time. Jake was not sure what to do. Not only was she beautiful, she was a princess. Was he supposed to take her hand and kiss it? Bow to her? His mind raced to think of something to say, realizing that he was looking like an idiot just standing there.

"The boy is so captivated by your beauty, Princess, that it has rendered him unable to speak." Dominic said, his deep voice suddenly polished and urbane. That tone took Jake by surprise, coming out of that scarred and hard face, but then he remembered Jonas saying that Dominic had been a ladies' man back in his younger days. The princess laughed at that and reached out to take one of Jake's hands, giving it a squeeze before releasing it.

"I will not bite you, Jake." She said with a giggle, her perfume filling Jake's nose.

"Ahh…thank you...ahh…Princess." Jake sputtered, flushing from her attention.

"You are a stranger and it is my duty to make you feel welcome. You will have to come and talk to me sometime, Jake, so we can get to know one another." She said, gesturing at the palace. "I'm sure Lord Dominic will be able to arrange it."

"Just Dominic, if you please, Princess." Dominic said. "The boy is obviously not used to the manners of court, so he will need some instruction before he can return."

"I think I would prefer to talk with him without such instruction, Dominic." She said, her beautiful face frowning. "I have to talk to too many people with the 'manners of court'. It is not often that I can speak with a stranger, especially one around my age."

"I'd be happy to talk with you, Princess, if I am allowed." Jake said. The princess smiled again at that. She took Jake's hand again and stepped closer.

"I would like that, Jake…" She started, then stopped, wrinkling her nose. She stepped back, her smile slipping for a second, then recovered. "Maybe after you have had time to visit the baths and have settled in

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