A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,48

polished leather boots and a golden belt. A gold crown was perched on top of his head, four spikes rising from the ring of gold. He made his way to the dais, the men in the crowd bowing, the women curtsying, as he passed. He climbed the stairs to the chair to Jake's left. He sat down, face unhappy, and looked down at Dominic and Jake, waiting.

Dominic returned the stare for a moment, then bowed his head, neck barely bending. Jake hurriedly copied him, making his bow lower, not sure what would give offense.

The king nodded his head and gestured towards Dominic. "I join all of Sanduas in rejoicing for your safe return, Dominic. I hope that your hunting went well."

"I had some success, Your Majesty." Dominic replied, eyes hard, voice even. "Why have we been summoned?"

"Direct as always, Dominic." The king sighed. "I know that you must be tired from your travels, but word reached me that you had brought a stranger to the city, wrapped in a cloak and hood. That was a strange report to hear since you are well known to travel and operate alone. I wanted to find out what this was about, in case you were only here for a night."

The king looked over at Jake. "I take it that this young man is the stranger you brought?" Dominic gave a curt nod.

"Welcome to Sanduas, young man. What is your name?" The king asked. Jake glanced over to Dominic, who motioned for him to respond.

"Jake. Jake Thomas." Jake replied. He caught Dominic's slight frown. "Ahh...Your Majesty."

"Welcome to Sanduas, Jake Thomas. Please do not be afraid. I am only looking for some answers." The king said, smiling reassuringly at Jake.

The smile faded as the king faced Dominic again. "Why did you feel it necessary to hide his countenance when you arrived?"

"He is a stranger to these lands. I wanted to consult with Jonas before it was known that he is here." Dominic answered. He gestured to the crowd. "I would suggest that this public setting is not appropriate for further discussion. I ask that further questioning be done in a private audience."

The king paused, staring back at Jake, eyes now curious. Jake, uncomfortable with the attention, lowered his eyes and looked around. As he did so, the double doors that the king came through opened and a young woman came into the room.

Jake temporarily forgot where he was and could not do anything but stare. She was beautiful. She stood about five foot eight, with long reddish-brown hair and sparkling green eyes. She had smooth and unblemished skin, a slim build with curves where a woman should have them. Her dress was made of blue silk, which had a cut to it that accentuated her curves. She moved gracefully as she walked to the dais, nodding to people in the crowd.

She glanced over at Jake, saw his stare and smiled. When she smiled, white teeth flashing, she became even more beautiful, if that was possible. Jake stood there, his here and now forgotten, as he took in her beauty. She continued to smile at him, which he returned until Dominic elbowed him in the ribs, hard. Jake nearly doubled over from the shock.

"Forgive him, Your Majesty. He was apparently raised by savages who never told him it is impolite to stare at a woman." Dominic said dryly. Laughter rose from the crowd.

"No apologies are necessary." The king said, smiling fondly at the young woman. "I have seen the effect my daughter has on young men before." The crowd laughed again.

"It is not like I encourage it, Father." The woman replied, blushing slightly.

"Young men don't need much encouragement, Keria."

"Forgive my tardiness, Father." Keria said as she sat down in the chair at the base of the dais. "Have I missed anything important?"

"Dominic and I were just having a discussion about this young man Jake." The king said, gesturing towards Jake. "He has asked for a private audience to continue that discussion. I am weighing that request."

"I would second that request, Your Majesty." Jonas' voice said loudly, coming from behind Dominic and Jake. Jake turned to see him walking up towards the throne, staff carried in his right hand. Walking next to Jonas was a man a little shorter than Jake, dressed plainly in light brown pants and boots, with a darker vest, his bulging arms and shoulders bare. He had short dark hair and dark eyes. His shaven face had a ruddy complexion, like he was

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