A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,114

his feet.

"Sit back down, Norlan." She demanded. "You have lost a lot of blood and healing can't replace that. You need fluids and rest."

"I have to go after Cherise and Jake; I will not let the half-men have my children." Norlan said, face grim, reaching down to pick up the maul, swaying as he straightened. "I can rest when they are safe." He started to stagger towards the gate, calling for a horse, when both Madalin and Hailyn grabbed him.

"You will get yourself killed is what you will do, my love." Madalin said softly. "Please come back and sit down." Norlan stood there for a moment while Madalin stroked his face, his hands squeezing the maul's handle, his arms cording tight, then he relaxed and let the maul drop.

"You are right." Norlan said, his head dropping. "I have not been much use to anyone tonight." Madalin hugged him tightly, whispering reassuring words to him, but his face showed that he got no comfort from that.

"I will find Dominic or Master Jonas and go after them, Norlan." Hailyn said, moving towards the gate. "We will get them back." Norlan did not respond; he was staring at the ground, his hands curling and uncurling into fists.

"Go, Hailyn!" Madalin said, voice cracking, still holding onto her husband. "Find them. I can't lose both of them." She seemed to wilt and began to cry again. "Not both."

Hailyn pushed through the crowd as neighbors came up to support Norlan and Madalin. Once on the street, she picked up the edge of her robes and ran, running as hard as she could. She wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes; she cared for Jake and Cherise as well.

Even when her breathing became labored, she did not slow. She would run all of the way to the Temple, she told herself. Any wasted moment could be disastrous.

As she turned a corner, she skidded to a stop as Dominic appeared as if by magic, yanking Shadow's reins to avoid a collision. So focused was she on keeping running, she had missed the sound of their approach.

"What are you doing?!" Dominic demanded angrily, his bright blue eyes hard. "I told you and the boy to go to the Temple. When I got there, Jonas said he had not seen you."

Hailyn took a second to catch her breath and told Dominic what happened. Dominic cursed under his breath, then reached down. "Come on, girl." Hailyn grasped his hand and he pulled her behind him. "You think it was the South Gate he headed for?"

"I can't be sure, but that was the general direction." Hailyn replied, tears coming again, this time from relief that Dominic was here.

"Hold on." Dominic warned her. She grabbed his armor straps as he turned forward. "On, Shadow!" He called and the large horse took off. Dominic drove him hard, running towards the South Gate as fast as he could go.

The city flew by as they raced south. Shortly, they were entering the South Gate courtyard and Dominic slowed Shadow to a trot. He spotted Armartas, sitting on his horse, organizing the soldiers to set up a defense of the open gate, as well as separate their dead from the dead half-men who littered the ground. A group of clerics were moving around, healing wounded soldiers. Dominic rode over, the soldiers making way as he passed.

"Armartas, have you seen Jake?!" Dominic called out as they got close.

"He rode past not more than ten minutes ago, in pursuit of a group of half-men." Armartas said, looking back. He looked abashed. "I'm sorry, Dominic. I should have stopped him, but I had my hands full at the time."

Dominic waved off the apology. "You did what you needed to do. I'll go find him." He started to boot Shadow forward when Hailyn stopped him.

"You have been pushing Shadow." She said, sliding off the horse. "Give me a second to look at him. It will do no one any good if he cannot catch Jake."

Hailyn embraced her power, sending it into Shadow. As she concentrated, she could tell that the horse was in good condition, with only some minor cuts and a bit of exhaustion. She directed her power to heal those wounds and relieve the exhaustion, at least temporarily.

When she was done, she reached up to Dominic, who grabbed her hand. Before he could react, she sent her magic into him, quickly healing his wounds.

He yanked her up, grabbing both of her arms and pulled her close, those

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