A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,113

ride into those woods in the dark. He slid off Dontas' back and looked around. In the pale moonlight, he found the tracks of several horses and clear boot prints as well; the half-men must have led the horses into the woods. Tying Dontas' reins to a nearby tree, Jake took off on foot, hoping to overtake them since they would have to go slower when leading the horses.

Jake tried to keep the tracks in sight, but the trees were blocking the moonlight. He would have to stop and kneel from time to time to locate the tracks. He continued on, his only thought of saving Cherise.

After several minutes of this, he stopped again to look when he heard the soft whinny of a horse. When it sounded again, he immediately set off in the direction he heard it come from. Soon, he could hear the muffled voices of several men and saw a faint orange light ahead. He drew his sword and continued on, trying to avoid making any loud noises. As he slowly climbed up a small rise, he could tell what he wanted was on the other side. He heard the rough voices of the men and could just make out the sounds of a girl crying. Jake came up behind a tree and glanced cautiously around it.

In the hollow beyond the rise, next to a small stream, Jake saw three half-men, their backs to him, silhouetted in the light of a couple of torches, facing Cherise. Cherise was battered and bloody, her face showing the signs of the abuse she had endured.

"We may as well have some fun." The one closest to her said, as he slapped her hard, causing her to fall to the ground. He knelt and grabbed her dress, ripping at it while the others laughed.

Jake's mind went flat. He was moving before he realized it, charging down towards the men. They heard his approach, reaching for weapons as they turned to meet him. The nearest half-man spun around, only to take Jake's sword in the throat. He went down in a heap.

Jake slid around the man, using his forward motion to carry him past. Facing the next man, his hand on his sword, Jake drove his sword point down, sliding the blade along the man's wrist, preventing him from drawing his sword. Jake continued the motion, his sword stabbing into the man's thigh. The man cried out as Jake wrenched his sword free and, like Dominic did with Matus, used his momentum to spin around, his sword striking the back of the man's neck. The man collapsed as if his strings were cut, his cry dying.

As Jake moved towards the last man, who was just getting to his feet, the man threw a dagger at him. Jake tried to twist away, but he could not avoid the dagger. Fortunately, it bounced harmlessly off of his breastplate.

Jake's momentary pause was enough for the man to move away and draw his sword, then come at him. Jake put himself between the man and Cherise, determined to protect her.

"You were stupid to come here, boy." The man said, sword moving back and forth. "You will die for that foolish girl and I will still have her." The man laughed as he suddenly surged forward, sword seeking Jake.

Jake was able to deflect the sword, but missed the man's backstroke and felt the sword slice across his arm, pain radiating from the wound. His mind shook as he realized that this man was a better swordsman. Jake desperately tried to defend, but the man continued to nick and wound him.

Soon, Jake had cuts bleeding from his arms and legs. He could feel himself slowing. The man, a fixed grin on his face, was toying with him. Once he tired of it, Jake would die and Cherise would be all alone.

At that thought, Jake's felt his anger and frustration well up. He had to find a way to save Cherise! He would not let this man have her!

As his passion reached its peak, he suddenly felt as if his heart was on fire and a tingling sensation spread over his body. He saw the half-man's eyes go wide a moment before everything exploded in a brilliant flash of bright light, then suddenly went black.


As the sound of Dontas' hooves faded into the distance, Hailyn said a quick prayer for Jake and turned back to Norlan and Madalin. She ran back over as Norlan was slowly getting to

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