A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,102

He moved fast, not paying attention to his surroundings, wrestling with his emotions. As he walked off some of his tension, he could feel his anger level come down. As he calmed down, his thoughts returned to Keria, especially remembering that dress.

As he turned down an alley that he used as a shortcut, Jake was lost in his thoughts of what had happened at the palace. He wished he had leaned in to kiss Keria, especially since the king was clear that he would never have the opportunity again. He gave a huge sigh, regretting the missed chance.

He had just a moment's warning, a sense that something was not right, when he heard the footsteps of someone rapidly approaching him from behind. He turned just in time to see a masked man closing with him, a metal capped club in his hand, raised to strike.

Jake dove, throwing himself to the side as the club whistled past. Tucking his shoulder, he rolled over and came back to his feet, drawing his sword as he did. His attacker was quick, already adjusting to Jake's position, club swinging again. Jake was forced to leap away, ducking to avoid the club again, trying to keep his swordpoint towards the attacker as Dominic taught him.

As his attacker came at him again, Jake stepped to the side, ducking as he swung his sword. He felt a sudden tug as the blade made contact, hearing the man gasp. This time, however, he was not fast enough to avoid the club as he felt sudden pain blossom as it clipped him on the side of his head.

Jake's knees suddenly felt wobbly as he spun to face his opponent. He was lightheaded and could feel warm blood flowing down his head, past his ear and onto his neck. He forced himself to focus, trying to will steadiness back into his body.

His attacker was a few feet away, clutching his side with his free hand, blood staining his hand and clothes. He was more cautious now, watching Jake's sword as Jake struggled to keep it on him. Jake drew in some deep breaths to settle his legs, as he tried to anticipate the next move.

His attacker started to move to his side, club weaving, trying to get past Jake's sword, when sudden shouts came from the end of the alleyway. His attacker looked past Jake, spat out a curse, and turned and ran, still clutching his side. He made it to the main street, turning and disappearing from sight.

Relieved, his body suddenly shaking from what just happened, Jake fell to his knees, bracing himself on his sword, the point pressing against the road. He turned his head to see two soldiers running up to him, swords drawn. They came up to him, asking what had happened, eyes roaming up and down the alley for any threats.

Reassured by their presence, he told them that he was Dominic's apprentice and had been attacked. Hearing Dominic's name, the soldiers quickly offered assistance. They agreed that one would take him to the Temple while the other would find the area's watch captain to inform him about the attack. They helped Jake back to his feet, allowing him to sheath his sword while the one taking him to the Temple threw Jake's arm over his shoulder to support him.

Shortly, Jake found himself in the healing clinic at the Temple. A middle-aged female cleric, who had a kind demeanor, smiling and reassuring Jake, attended to his wound. After the healing, Jake was sitting on the bench, allowing an apprentice cleric to wipe away the blood, when Dominic came in, face stony, followed closely by Hailyn.

"What happened, boy?" Dominic demanded, grasping Jake's chin, looking closely at Jake's face. Hailyn told the other apprentice to leave, pulled Dominic's hand from Jake and, sitting close, took over cleaning him up.

Jake told him about the attack, having to repeat the events over and over again as Dominic asked questions, tried to get every little detail. Despite his dispassionate questioning, Jake did see something like approval in Dominic's eyes when he mentioned wounding his attacker.

"You survived; that is what is important." Dominic said, after he finished his questions. He stood there for a moment, hand gripping his sword. "We need to work on your aggression, though. You missed a couple opportunities to take the advantage."

"That can wait, Dominic." Hailyn said tartly, looking at him disapprovingly. She continued to gently wipe away the remaining blood. "Jake needs to get out of these

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