A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,101

friends, her head almost touching his, distracting him with her closeness.

"May I take your picture, Keria?" He asked impulsively. She nodded and he stood up and stepped back, getting her whole body into the frame, with the city as the background. After he took it, he sat back down next to her and showed her. She made a comment that it was not the most flattering image, but Jake assured her that she was beautiful.

"That is very kind, Jake." She said, affecting a demure look. "You look very handsome today. I like the way that the color of your doublet brings out the blue in your eyes."

Jake blushed at the compliment, which brought a giggle from Keria. She took his hand into hers again, looking into his eyes, waiting for him to say or do something. When he did not move, she leaned in, mouth slightly parted. Jake was sure she wanted him to kiss her.

Suddenly sweating from nervousness, he hesitated. When he finally started to move in to kiss her, the door suddenly opened and Nataly came running over. "Princess, the King is coming!" She panted, undoubtedly from running here. Muttering a curse, Keria leapt up and hurried over to the bench facing Jake's, quickly smoothing her dress. She gave Jake a look that said to go along.

No more than a few seconds later, the king walked out onto the patio. He came over to where they were sitting. Jake followed Keria's example and rose, bowing to the king when he stopped.

"Hello, Father." Keria said, coming over and kissing him on the cheek. "I was just having a most wonderful discussion with Jake."

"I am glad to hear it, Keria." The king replied with a slight smile for his daughter. "I hate to shorten your fun, but I would like to talk with the young man myself."

"Of course, Father." Keria said. She held out her hand towards Jake. "We will have to do this again, Jake."

Jake took her hand and bowed, lightly kissing the back of it. "It was my pleasure, Princess. I am always at your service." He said, trying to sound formal for the king.

"Come along, Jake." The king said, heading back towards the door. Jake traded a quick glance with Keria, who gave him a frustrated little smile and gestured for him to follow her father. Jake settled in beside the king, keeping a half step back.

"As a father, I am always glad to see my daughter happy, Jake." The king said as they headed down the corridor to the stairs. "As king, however, I have to think of more practical things. Do you understand?"

"I think so, Your Majesty." Jake lied, confused.

"Keria is the princess of the realm, Jake." The king continued as he looked over at Jake, clearly indicating that he did not believe Jake understood. "She will be queen someday and has obligations to the realm. You may not know this, but her husband will be chosen for her, a husband in the best interests of the realm." Jake did not know what to say, so they walked in silence until they reached the bottom of the stairs.

The king sighed, then spoke. "While I would like her to love that person, she will have to do what is required of her. I cannot have her believing it will be any other way." He stopped near a doorway in the hall and motioned for a guard to come over.

"Everything I have heard about you indicates that you are a good and fine young man, Jake." The king said. "This is not a reflection on you. However, I must ask you to stay away from my daughter. I know her and I want to avoid either of you getting hurt."

He turned to the guard. "Please escort my daughter's guest to the courtyards." He said as he kindly patted Jake on the shoulder and went through the door.

Jake followed the guard in stunned silence. He had never been told to stay away from anyone; it was most definitely an odd feeling.

As he was crossing the palace grounds to the gates, he saw Marcus standing with a group of other young nobles. When Marcus noticed Jake, he gave him a self-satisfied smile and a mocking wave. Jake gritted his teeth in frustration, but did not say anything as the guard led him to the gates.

He crossed the courtyard in a huff, thinking dark thoughts about Marcus, wishing he had a way to wipe the smirk off that asshole's face.

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