The World According to Vince - Jane Harvey-Berrick Page 0,87

said Judge Herschel. “I’d like to hear the answer to this question, but be careful, Counselor.”

“Mr. Azzo,” Barclay intoned, “did you know that vigilantes have been copying you?”

“I’ve become aware that other dog lovers are working to save dogs in shelters,” Vince said with a shrug. “No walls for four paws!” he shouted suddenly making me jump, then did his iconic wolf howl, and several people in the audience copied him. “Free Milk-Bones for every dog!”

Judge Herschel banged her gavel several times. “Order! Order! Bailiff, anymore outbursts like that and I’ll clear the public area. And you, Mr. Azzo, are wearing my patience very thin. No more antics!”

“I’ll try, Me Lud, but sometimes I just open me mouth to change feet. Ask Gracie, she’ll tell you.”

This time, I was the one trying not to laugh, but Judge Herschel banged her gavel for silence again. Vince winked at her, and gave me a look so scorching that I thought I’d melt.

“Court will recess one hour for lunch,” the judge said, somewhat wearily, rubbing her forehead.

Vince had probably given her a headache. I used to feel like that.

I sat with Vince, Rick and Cady in a small café near the Supreme Court. We’d had to use a back entrance to avoid Vince’s fans, and I’d insisted that he cover his costume with sweatpants and a shirt, no floppy ears allowed, no matter how cute.

I watched as he munched through a PBJ sandwich.

“Weird combination that you Americans have invented if I’m being honest,” he frowned around a mouthful, “but I’m getting quite a taste for it.”

Cady had ordered half a dozen apple and blueberry blintzes, offering them around, keeping two for herself.

“I’m stressed,” she mumbled between bites. “I eat when I’m stressed.”

“I wish I could,” I sighed, nibbling on a banana that seemed to take forever to eat.

“Don’t matter,” Vince said, polishing off the last bite of sandwich and brushing the crumbs from his Lycra suit while he reached for a fruit blintze, “I’m taking you for a celebratory dinner tonight.” He paused. “Aren’t I?”

“It’s going better today,” I admitted, “but it’s not a done deal. Barclay is no fool, so don’t underestimate him. He’s mauled more than few lawyers in his closing statement.”

Vince stared at me, then leaned forward. “Say that again.”

“About Barclay? I’m just saying that he…”

“No, the other part. It’s given me an idea.”

And then Vince told me his idea and I felt all the blood drain from my body.

“Vince, no!” I whispered, utterly horrified. “Even for you, that’s crazy! It’s dangerous! Cady, Rick, back me up on this!”

“Yeah, completely certifiable,” Cady coughed, brandishing a blintze at Vince. “No way you can do that!”

We all turned to stare at Rick, the quiet man who weighed his words.

“I know it sounds crazy,” Rick said slowly, “but I’ve seen it in action, we all have. It’s unbelievable … it might be just what this case needs.”

I shook my head, hardly able to take in that sensible, reliable Rick was agreeing with Vince.

“Yeah!” yelled Vince. “Let’s do it!”

I shook my head again and dropped it into my hands.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Vince laughed happily.

“Other than lose the case and you go to jail? I could be disbarred!” I sighed. “Then again, I’ve never liked being a lawyer that much.”

“You’re kidding!” said Cady. “You’ve worked so hard! I thought you planned on making partner any time now?”

“Oh, I did. I have,” I admitted. “They offered me a partnership with a salary increase and percentage of the profits. I turned them down and gave them my two weeks’ notice.”

“What?” Cady gasped. “Why would you do that? When did you do that?”

I shrugged and smiled at Vince. “Two days ago. I’ve decided to become an events planner instead. Someone told me that life’s too short not to enjoy your job, and planning Canine Crusader fashion shows is much more fun than mergers and acquisitions. So, what the hell—I’m going to go with Vince’s crazy idea.”

Vince gave a happy howl and kissed me.

That sealed the deal.


Grace threw me a scathing look and I glared back at her, then she faced to the judge, her body stiff and hostile. She still turned me on, but I couldn’t help that. It didn’t make me a bad person just because I was fantasizing about her spanking me. Grace, not the judge, although she definitely looked she knew her way around a feather flogger.

“Your Honor, do I have permission to treat Mr. Azzo as a hostile witness?” Grace cracked Copyright 2016 - 2024