The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,97

friendship is special, if not unlikely. But despite their many differences, Katie Ann and Martha are more alike than they may seem. How so?

7. What do you think will happen to Lucy? Do you think that she and Katie Ann will cross paths again someday? Will Jonas and Benjamin ever meet each other? If so, how do you think that will go?

8. Martha is a large presence in the book, and her heart is as big as her outspoken personality, which explains why she took Danielle in. As Martha begins to take on a parental role, how do you see her changing with regard to Danielle?

9. Early on, Katie Ann and Eli agree to just be friends. Have you or anyone you’ve known fallen in love with their best friend? How did it turn out?

10. Katie Ann and Eli share one similar quality. They are both unselfish. What are several instances when this shines through for each of them, and when does this endearing quality sometimes block God’s efforts for their future together?

11. Danielle tells several lies—to her mother on the phone in the hospital, to the nurse and others about not knowing who hit her, and to Martha when she tells Martha that her parents are dead. Is it ever justifiable to tell a lie? How might things have turned out differently if Danielle had always told the truth? Would things have turned out better or worse for her?

12. Often God has a plan for us that we can’t see or understand, putting us on the right course for the life He wants us to live. What are some examples of this in your own life? Have you ever unknowingly blocked His efforts? Or do you believe that it was always God’s will for things to have happened exactly the way that they did?

Amish Recipes

Peanut Blossoms

1 c. sugar

1 c. brown sugar

1 c. butter or oleo

2 eggs

1 c. peanut butter

¼ c. milk

2 tsp. vanilla

3½ c. flour

2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

2 (10 oz.) pkgs. chocolate kisses or miniature peanut butter cups

Cream sugars, butter, and peanut butter. Beat in eggs, milk, and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients. Shape into balls and roll into additional sugar. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Immediately press a chocolate candy into each cookie. Yield: about 7 dozen.

Chicken and Rice Casserole

1 c. rice, uncooked

¼ c. onions, minced

2 Tbsp. parsley flakes

½ tsp. salt and pepper

1 whole chicken, cut up

1 can cream of chicken soup

¾ c. salad dressing

1¼ c. water

Put rice in greased casserole. Add onions and seasonings; mix well. Combine soup, salad dressing, and water; beat. Pour half of soup mixture over rice, top with chicken and remaining soup mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 1½ hours. Sprinkle with paprika, if desired.

Lazy Wife’s Dinner

1 can cream of celery soup (or cream of mushroom soup)

1 c. macaroni, uncooked

1½ c. milk

1½ c. frozen vegetable of your choice

½ lb. Velveeta (or American cheese)

1 c. diced potatoes

1 c. diced carrots

1 c. meat of your choice, cooked and chopped into bite-size pieces

3 Tbsp. chopped onion

Mix all the ingredients together and pour into 9” x 13” baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 1½ hours.

Thanks to Amish friends in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Westcliffe Colorado.

The Daughters

of the Promise novels


What would cause the Amish

to move to Colorado, leaving

family and friends behind?

The Land of Canaan Series

Darlene thought moving to a small town would bring their family closer together, but it just might tear them apart.

Available April 2012


Need You Now

DARLENE’S CHEST TIGHTENED, AND FOR A FEW seconds she couldn’t move. If ever there was a time to move—to run—it was now. She put a hand to her chest, held her breath, and eased one socked foot at a time behind her across the wood floors in her bedroom. With each tiptoed step, she kept her eyes on the intruder, wondering why he wasn’t moving. Maybe he was dead.

She reached behind her and twisted the doorknob, and the click sent her trespasser scurrying across the floor toward her. In one swift movement, she jumped backward across the threshold and into the den, and slammed the door so hard a picture of the kids fell off the wall. She looked down at Chad, Ansley, and Gracie staring up through broken glass, then hurried through the den to the kitchen. Her hand trembled as she unplugged her cell phone and pressed the call button. Please answer.

It was tax time, so every CPA at her husband’s office was working long hours, and for the Copyright 2016 - 2024