The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,96

and getting the book on the shelves is a huge combined effort.

I’ll start by thanking God, who continues to bless me with stories to tell. Without Him, there would be no books. Thank you, Lord, for guiding my hand in my effort to deliver stories that both entertain and bring folks closer to you.

To my husband Patrick—you are the constant in my life that keeps me on an even keel despite the chaos sometimes. Thank you for making me laugh, for loving me, and for reading every single book I write, like you promised . . . ha ha. J I love you with all my heart.

Sherry Gregg, it is an honor to dedicate the book to someone whom I admire in so many ways. I’ve always said that sometimes God drops people in our paths for a reason. He sure knew what He was doing when he introduced us. Okay, I better mention your husband, too, since I’ve known him since I was a kid . . . ha ha. Tim, you’re the best! Thank you both for your hospitality and your friendship. Despite the many places Patrick and I have traveled, we often recall our trip to Colorado as one of our very best vacations. Love you both!

To my very best friend and kindred spirit, Renee’ Bissmeyer. You are a walking journal of my life, the one who knows the me I sometimes don’t even know. All these books later, your encouragement and love still keeps me going even when I doubt myself. You continue to be the wind beneath my wings. PEACE and love always.

Janet Murphy, you rock! We make a great team. Thank you for walking one step ahead of me and keeping me on track. You’re an awesome assistant, publicity coordinator, listener, encourager, and friend. Cheers to an ongoing journey!

To my editor, Natalie Hanemann, and my Thomas Nelson family—I am incredibly blessed to be traveling this road with you all on my team. Thank you for everything, both professionally and personally. You guys and gals are the best!

Mary Sue Seymour, my friend, my agent—thank you for guiding my career and for the friendship we share.

Barbie Beiler, I sure do miss you, and I hope to visit soon! Your input—based on your own Amish background—continues to strengthen my books, keeping them authentic. Sending you big hugs, my friend.

To my line editor, LB Norton—Wow! You jumped in at the 11th hour on this book, and what a fantastic job you did. Thank you for all your hard work and willingness to push a step further to make the book a better read. Hope to meet you in person soon. Blessings to you.

To friends and family not mentioned here, please know that they only give me so much space to write acknowledgments, or otherwise, I could go on forever and ever about how much each and every one of you means to me and how much I appreciate your encouragement, support, and love.

And last, but certainly not least—to my readers. A huge thank you for reading for my books. If one of my stories brought you a step closer to God, or perhaps got you off of the fence where He is concerned, possibly gave you hope or a better understanding of His grace—please let me know by sending me an email at [email protected].

Reading Group Guide

1. In the beginning of the story, Katie Ann doesn’t think Eli is her type. Why? What are some of Eli’s characteristics that Katie Ann ultimately finds charming and is attracted to?

2. Katie Ann struggles to forgive Ivan for his infidelities. How does her inability to forgive set roadblocks along her own life path? Who are we really hurting when we can’t forgive?

3. Eli has his life planned out, and he feels as though he’s earned some time off. When do his big plans to travel start to fall apart and lose the allure? Why do you think that happened?

4. Katie Ann admits to herself that her relationship with God is not what it used to be. What happens when Katie Ann finally accepts that God is in charge and submits to His will without second-guessing His plan for her?

5. As in real life, there are several ‘gray’ areas mentioned in the book, things or a way of life that aren’t traditionally part of Amish living. One of those is the use of cell phones. What are two more instances where rules are bent?

6. Eli notices early on that Katie Ann and Martha’s Copyright 2016 - 2024