The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,69

“See what I mean? He told me, but I can’t remember. Something as important as that, and I can’t remember if it’s next Thursday or Friday.” She took another bite and shook her head again.

“Just ask him again.”

Martha twisted her mouth into a frown. “You haven’t mentioned much about Eli lately. The two of you still writing letters?”

Katie Ann shrugged. They’d quit writing letters after Eli gave her the phone. “We talk on the phone, but he’s in Florida right now.”

Martha tapped her fork to the plate. “I just don’t know what to think about the two of you.”

“There’s nothing to think about. I’ve told you over and over again . . . we’re just friends.”

“That man ever kissed you?” Martha glared at Katie Ann.

“Martha! That is not an appropriate question to ask.” She avoided Martha’s cool stare and focused on her plate.

“Well, you didn’t deny it, so I’m assuming he has.”

Katie Ann looked up to see Martha grinning. Katie Ann couldn’t help grinning back.

“See, you’re smiling. You’ve done some smooching, huh?”

Katie Ann stood up from the table and carried her plate to the sink. “I’m not discussing this with you.”

Not only was it inappropriate to discuss such a thing with Martha, but Katie Ann had been training her mind not to think about those kisses with Eli. It was easier that way. Just then her cell phone rang on the kitchen counter. Katie Ann ignored it.

“Aren’t you going to get that?”

Katie Ann started to run hot water in the kitchen sink, and although adrenaline shot through her body, she just shrugged.

“No. I’m spending time with you.”

Martha cackled. “Don’t you dare let me interfere with your love life.”

Katie Ann began to clear the dishes from the table. “I don’t have a love life.” She bit her bottom lip as she walked back to the sink. The phone rang again.

“Well, that’s your fault.”

Katie Ann spun around in time to see Martha raise her chin, so Katie Ann shot her a twisted smile. “Really? My fault?”

“Yep. That Eli would be a great catch, but you’re afraid to let yourself be happy.”

Martha huffed, and Katie Ann wanted to tell Martha she didn’t know what she was talking about, but she was pretty sure she couldn’t do that without crying. She kept her head down as she washed the dishes, hoping Martha would be quiet about it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her friend get up and put the jams in the refrigerator.

“Don’t you think our little Jonas needs a father? And what about you? You can’t tell me you wouldn’t like to have a man to help you out around here.”

Katie Ann stayed quiet as Martha shuffled around the kitchen, clearing other items from the table.

“And if you’re still mourning that husband of yours—”

“I’m not,” Katie Ann interrupted as she slammed a rinsed dish into the drain rack.

“I’m just sayin’ that you should give Eli a chance. That’s all.” Martha walked up beside her and started to dry the dishes.

Katie Ann kept her head down as she chewed on her bottom lip. Please let it go, Martha.

“And one more thing . . .” Martha placed a dried dish in the cabinet as Katie Ann braced herself. “Don’t you let what that husband of yours did keep you from loving again, because—”

“Martha, stop it! I love Eli. I love him so much it hurts.” Katie Ann covered her face with her hands as she cried.

A moment later Martha was rubbing her back, and they were both quiet for a while. Then Martha spoke softly. “Honey, why didn’t you tell me this?”

Katie Ann turned to Martha, then fell into her arms and sobbed, letting go of all the emotion she had built up where Eli was concerned. “Because I can’t have him . . .”

ELI HIT END on the cell phone as he walked to the balcony of his fancy hotel, feeling a bit guilty about the luxury he’d allowed himself for this trip. As much as he’d looked forward to some time alone, the sightseeing, and a new place—it just wasn’t all he’d imagined. He’d spent his life working the land, raising kinner, and always having someone to take care of. Had he thought of those things as burdens at the time?

He stared out at the ocean as the cool wind threatened to pull his hat off, and he thought about his life. When had he been the happiest? Not a full second passed before he knew. When he was Copyright 2016 - 2024