The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,68

man as the memories from their early years. But every time her thoughts drifted to Ivan, they quickly shifted back to Eli, and it was Eli she wished were there to witness all Jonas’s firsts. At four months Jonas was making a new sound, a gurgle when he smiled, and Katie Ann thought it was the cutest thing she’d ever seen. Eli would love it.

Lucy had written to say that she’d given birth to a boy and named him Benjamin. He was born very tiny, but healthy. Katie Ann found it strange that Lucy would write to her at all, until she got to the end of the letter—the part where Lucy asked if she’d heard anything about the house she thought Ivan had built or bought. Katie Ann didn’t write her back.

Eli still called her, but Katie Ann could feel him pulling back on the friendship. Perhaps he had sensed that Katie Ann cared about him more than just as a friend. Or maybe she just shouldn’t have trusted her heart to any man. But each time that notion reared, she’d remember how she and Eli had defined the terms of their relationship early on. So was it really rational to blame him because she allowed herself to get too close?

Either way, Eli was in Florida. He’d left a week after Christmas, with plans to stay until he felt like going home. In the past two weeks, she’d only heard from him twice. In fairness, Katie Ann had his cell phone number, and she could have called him. During his first call, he’d described the beach to her and said that he wished he would have come during the summer, but how the temperatures were still much milder than in Ohio this time of year. He’d read three books, done some sightseeing, and eaten at some fine restaurants.

Katie Ann told him how her inventory of homemade items was growing and how she’d talked to several shops in Monte Vista about taking her things on consignment.

And Eli always asked about Jonas. And if Katie Ann needed anything.

She needed him. But she always said that she and Jonas were fine.

Tonight she was waiting for Martha to arrive for their Saturday night meal together. Arnold wouldn’t be moving back to Canaan for another week. Martha promised Katie Ann that nothing would change, but Katie Ann knew some things would change, as they should. She hoped that Martha and Arnold would get married. But every time she mentioned it to Martha, her friend changed the subject.

“I’m so tired of this cold weather.” Martha walked into the living room, handed a pan of chicken lasagna to Katie Ann, and peeled off her coat, hat, and gloves. After taking a deep breath, she hung her purse on the rack by the door and said, “Now, where’s my baby?”

Katie Ann nodded toward Jonas’s room. “He’s already asleep, but go peek in on him if you’d like.”

Martha rounded the corner, and Katie Ann could hear her talking softly. A few minutes later she came into the kitchen where Katie Ann was setting the table. She plopped down in a kitchen chair. “You know, I think I might be losing my mind.”

Katie Ann grinned. “Why is that?”

“I’m forgetful.” She scratched her head. “I mean, I’m forgetting where I put things.”

Katie Ann put two glasses on the table and filled them with tea. “That doesn’t mean you’re losing your mind.”

Martha grunted. “Well, it sure feels like it.” She leaned back in her chair and pointed to the chicken lasagna. “I was sure I bought a loaf of garlic bread to go with that lasagna, but I can’t find it anywhere.”

“No worries.” Katie Ann put a loaf of her own homemade bread on the table. “I always have plenty of bread.”

“That’s not the point.” She looked down at her hands. “I’ve also misplaced my jasmine vanilla lotion that I like so much.”

Katie Ann took a seat across from Martha, and they both bowed their heads in silent prayer. Afterward, Martha scooped a large portion of lasagna onto her plate while Katie Ann helped herself to a piece of butter bread.

“I forget where I put things too.” Katie Ann spread some rhubarb jam on her bread. “Especially my reading glasses.”

Martha just shook her head as she chewed her food.

“Are you excited about Arnold moving into a house so close to yours?”

“Well, I’d be more excited if I could remember which day he was coming.” She lifted her hands in the air. Copyright 2016 - 2024